It isn t right, you know it s wrong Turn, you know it s wrong
It was a mistake when we shared a kiss, it was a mistake when we shared a kiss
I never laughed at your stupid jokes, if all i want is to put you down
I feel the same, but i am to blame
you know it s wrong
so why do i always seems to choke
Why can t i turn around, it was so obvious it would end like this
if all i want is to put you down
you know it s wrong
so why do i always seems to choke
I never laughed at your stupid jokes, you know it s wrong
If all i want is to put you down, it was a mistake when we shared a kiss, it was a mistake when we shared a kiss
Why can t i turn around, i never laughed at your stupid jokes
you know it s wrong
but i am to blame
it isn t right
I feel the same, it isn t right, i never laughed at your stupid jokes
We play this game, i never laughed at your stupid jokes Turn, we play this game
so why do i always seems to choke
If all i want is to put you down, why can t i turn around
I feel the same, you know it s wrong, so why do i always seems to choke
But i am to blame, you know it s wrong Turn, so why do i always seems to choke
you know it s wrong
if all i want is to put you down
It was so obvious it would end like this, i should have known it was much more than a kiss
I should have known it would end just like this, but i am to blame SadGirl, i should have known it was much more than a kiss
It isn t right, we play this game
It was so obvious it would end like this, we play this game, but i am to blame
you know it s wrong
I never laughed at your stupid jokes, so why do i always seems to choke, so why do i always seems to choke
It isn t right, we play this game
It was a mistake when we shared a kiss, you know it s wrong, why can t i turn around
you know it s wrong
I should have known it was much more than a kiss, it was a mistake when we shared a kiss SadGirl, so why do i always seems to choke
Why can t i turn around, it isn t right
But i am to blame, it was so obvious it would end like this
we play this game
We play this game, i feel the same
So why do i always seems to choke, we play this game, we play this game
you know it s wrong
If all i want is to put you down, we play this game, so why do i always seems to choke
It was a mistake when we shared a kiss, i should have known it was much more than a kiss Around, we play this game
So why do i always seems to choke, so why do i always seems to choke SadGirl, why can t i turn around
i should have known it would end just like this
you know it s wrong
i feel the same
I feel the same, i should have known it would end just like this, we play this game
Why can t i turn around, but i am to blame
i never laughed at your stupid jokes
It isn t right, i should have known it was much more than a kiss
If all i want is to put you down, i should have known it was much more than a kiss Around, we play this game