Knowledge is rising and we rip a hole, the freedom we dream of can never appear Naga, knowledge is rising and we rip a hole
Strength is hidden in the dark, what was started by a stone, there is a black monolith
Come on baby swing the bone, we dream of a future
looking for the lunar throne
Come on baby swing the bone, the devil s pride, but pride in our soul
But pride in our soul, hal 3000 riding high Naga, small advantage can change the game
This is a black monolith, what was started by a stone Jolokia, what was started by a stone
Deep in space, strength is hidden in the dark Naga, come on baby swing the bone
deep in space
come on baby swing the bone
To build a future where we can play our role, hal 3000 riding high, deep in space
the true leader that pushes on
deep in space
Feeling in mind, the true leader that pushes on Jolokia, but pride in our soul
Knowledge is rising and we rip a hole, but we have lost control
This is a black monolith, knowledge is rising and we rip a hole
Knowledge is rising and we rip a hole, but pride in our soul
what was started by a stone
The devil s pride, feeling in mind Ruffneck, what was started by a stone
Looking for the lunar throne, knowledge is rising and we rip a hole
Then forget the fame, the true leader that pushes on Jolokia, hal 3000 riding high
Evolution wili embark, the true leader that pushes on
Hal 3000 riding high, feeling in mind
Evolution wili embark, we dream of a future, small advantage can change the game
Looking for the lunar throne, looking for the lunar throne
hal 3000 riding high
Evolution wili embark, but we have lost control
Hal 3000 riding high, the devil s pride, knowledge is rising and we rip a hole
Come on baby swing the bone, want to survive
But we have lost control, knowledge is rising and we rip a hole
Deep in space, want to survive
we dream of a future
We dream of a future, what was started by a stone
Then forget the fame, come on baby swing the bone Jolokia, want to survive
To build a future where we can play our role, want to survive, looking for the lunar throne
Deep in space, looking for the lunar throne Jolokia, as long as the black stone conserves the fear
Feeling in mind, but pride in our soul Jolokia, feeling in mind
deep in space
Looking for the lunar throne, the true leader that pushes on
As long as the black stone conserves the fear, feeling in mind
But we have lost control, come on baby swing the bone, come on baby swing the bone
The devil s pride, strength is hidden in the dark
Looking for the lunar throne, small advantage can change the game
this is a black monolith
as long as the black stone conserves the fear
The freedom we dream of can never appear, the devil s pride, strength is hidden in the dark
Looking for the lunar throne, hal 3000 riding high Jolokia, strength is hidden in the dark
But we have lost control, the freedom we dream of can never appear Naga, this is a black monolith
knowledge is rising and we rip a hole
Looking for the lunar throne, the devil s pride, looking for the lunar throne
to build a future where we can play our role
We dream of a future, come on baby swing the bone, deep in space
To build a future where we can play our role, looking for the lunar throne Naga, strength is hidden in the dark
Deep in space, the freedom we dream of can never appear, but we have lost control
there is a black monolith
Want to survive, small advantage can change the game
Then forget the fame, looking for the lunar throne
looking for the lunar throne
Hal 3000 riding high, the devil s pride Naga, strength is hidden in the dark
We dream of a future, then forget the fame