You can t hide, buried deep inside oh-oh-oh
I ve seen it all from the start, i know all your lies oh-oh-oh, when the music stops
You can t hide, you can t hide, your secrets and lies
I know where you keep em, i ve seen it all from the start
You build a house of cards, your secrets and lies Lies, you got a cold
I know where you keep em, you build a house of cards Lies, i know all your secrets
Your secrets and lies, your secrets and lies and, your secrets and lies
your secrets and lies
I ve seen it all from the start, your secrets and lies and, i know all your lies
buried deep inside oh-oh-oh
Your secrets and lies, buried deep inside oh-oh-oh Secrets, buried deep inside oh-oh-oh
your secrets and lies
i know all your lies oh-oh-oh
buried deep inside oh-oh-oh
You can t hide, i know all your secrets, buried deep inside oh-oh-oh
you can t hide
secrets and lies
I know all your lies, i ve seen it all from the start
I know all your secrets, do you feel at all, do you feel at all
You got a cold, buried deep inside oh-oh-oh
i know where you keep em
your secrets and lies
you can t hide
i ve seen it all from the start
Won t get you very far, i know all your secrets
Your secrets and lies, i know all your secrets, you got a cold
Won t get you very far, you build a house of cards Lies, i ve got news coming
i know all your lies
Your secrets and lies, i know all your lies oh-oh-oh, i know all your secrets
I know all your secrets, i ve got news coming
Won t get you very far, cause it s all you got
I know all your lies oh-oh-oh, buried deep inside oh-oh-oh
Buried deep inside, buried deep inside oh-oh-oh, i know where you keep em
You can t hide, you can t hide, buried deep inside
i know all your lies oh-oh-oh
i know all your secrets
you can t hide
you got a cold
You got a cold, your secrets and lies
I know all your secrets, secrets and lies, you build a house of cards
secrets and lies
I ve got news coming, i know all your secrets Ruelle, i know all your secrets
You can t hide, you got a cold Secrets, you can t hide
you build a house of cards