Will you ever look me in the eye and lie, it never bothered you
while hell comes down from heaven
again and again
again and again
I give up you let me down agree, will you share a tear the day i die, while hell comes down from heaven
Will you ever look me in the eye and lie, everyday an endless play s staged away from, let hell come down from heaven
Will you share a tear the day i die, your hell comes down from heaven Royal, everyday an endless play s staged away
Have you ever heard a word of mine of mine, yet another day is passing by oh my not so sure what i am waiting for at your door, let hell come down from heaven
Your hell comes down on me again and again a part of your plan, while hell comes down from heaven Hell, now and then i look upon the sky but why
Your hell comes down from heaven, couldn t care less oh yes, you created life it s such a mess
thanks a lot
Everyday an endless play s staged away, couldn t care less oh yes
have you ever heard a word of mine of mine
I give up you let me down agree, have you ever heard a word of mine of mine
have you ever showed a single sign divine
go insane and spread the pain
it never bothered you
Go insane and spread the pain, will you ever look me in the eye and lie
Now and then i look upon the sky but why, for a little faith in you
It never bothered you, your hell comes down on me again and again a part of your plan, couldn t care less oh yes
you created life it s such a mess
Your hell comes down from heaven, have you ever heard a word of mine of mine, will you ever look me in the eye and lie
Again and again, while hell comes down from heaven
Have you ever showed a single sign divine, your hell comes down from heaven
Have you ever showed a single sign divine, while hell comes down from heaven, thanks a lot
now and then i look upon the sky but why
for a little faith in you
Everyday an endless play s staged away, it never bothered you
Couldn t care less oh yes, your hell comes down from heaven, now and then i look upon the sky but why
Again and again, your hell comes down from heaven
Everyday an endless play s staged away, your hell comes down from heaven, your hell comes down on me again and again a part of your plan
I give up you let me down agree, again and again
Your hell comes down on me again and again a part of your plan, for a little faith in you Royal, can you try and tell me why from the sky
yet another day is passing by oh my not so sure what i am waiting for at your door
let hell come down from heaven
Thanks a lot, now and then i look upon the sky but why
Now and then i look upon the sky but why, your hell comes down from heaven, couldn t care less oh yes
Go insane and spread the pain, again and again, thanks a lot
Have you ever heard a word of mine of mine, have you ever heard a word of mine of mine
It never bothered you, for a little faith in you, couldn t care less oh yes
Your hell comes down on me again and again a part of your plan, i give up you let me down agree
Your hell comes down from heaven, have you ever heard a word of mine of mine
I give up you let me down agree, it never bothered you, your hell comes down from heaven
Again and again, it never bothered you
For a little faith in you, have you ever heard a word of mine of mine, couldn t care less oh yes
Thanks a lot, have you ever showed a single sign divine
Go insane and spread the pain, now and then i look upon the sky but why, now and then i look upon the sky but why
will you share a tear the day i die
while hell comes down from heaven
Yet another day is passing by oh my not so sure what i am waiting for at your door, you created life it s such a mess, have you ever heard a word of mine of mine
Thanks a lot, i give up you let me down agree Down, your hell comes down from heaven
Couldn t care less oh yes, you created life it s such a mess, for a little faith in you
again and again
can you try and tell me why from the sky
thanks a lot
your hell comes down on me again and again a part of your plan
Go insane and spread the pain, again and again, for a little faith in you
will you ever look me in the eye and lie