Heres a bit of a history lesson for everyone, in the late 1930's early 1940's, the origin of the word Pachuco was used by Mexican mothers to describe the fear of what their kids were potentially turning into. They feared that their kids were turning into Pachucos, or in other words, Mexican gangsters/thugs because they were disobeying their mothers by wearing "gangster clothing" or in other words, Zoot-Suits and defying the norms of segregation. Forgot to add, all of this happened in Los Angeles California.
HEYYYY PACHUCOOO! I played this at my wedding with my ex wife stephanie V. But she went crazy and took everything I had. Now I hate this song!! Just leave me alone!!!!!!!!
Hey, Pachuco!
Summer '43 the man's gunnin' for me
And blue and white mean war tonight
They say damn my pride
And all the other cats livin' down east side
Or maybe just my plan's too wide
Hmmm... Marie
You better grab my jack
And zip gun for me
And I'll face no shame
'Cause tonight's the night I die for our name
Well I'd like to be swingin'
Dancing and singin'
Just having the time
Free to do whatever
Now more than ever
I gotta stick with that gang of mine!
Hey, Pachuco!
You've got 17.5% in T-bills amortized over the fiscal year.
8% in stocks and bonds.
Carry the nine, divide by the gross national product.
Fortunately, funeral bouquets are deductible!