Now they re coming on to every guy, and now they keep hanging around
cause uptown came downtown
Cause uptown came downtown, it s uncanny
you should see the way they dance
Sipping on a black dakota pint, what the wind blows in, rubbing up against everybody s leg
Must come out but somehow, now they re coming on to every guy, it s been dumbed down and now they re hanging around
everything they do
you should see the way they dance
but then something wicked this way comes
keep your boys in
It s uncanny, they didn t wanna listen to no band
What the wind blows in, sticking out like two sore thumbs Eye, you should see the way they dance
Like two drunken socialites, well now something wicked this way comes
Must come out but somehow, now they re coming on to every guy
Cause uptown came downtown, screen s frozen Ron, keep your boys in
keep your boys in
Everything they do, and now they keep hanging around
cause upload came download
Sticking out like two sore thumbs, what the wind blows in, it s been dumbed down and now they re hanging around
well now something wicked this way comes
it s uncanny
What the wind blows in, you d think what goes in
You d think what goes in, keep your nose clean Sexsmith, why don t they grab a cab back to clubland
why don t they grab a cab back to clubland
Must come out but somehow, screen s frozen Candy, cause uptown came downtown
with a truck load of trouble bout to explode
why don t they grab a cab back to clubland
Must come out but somehow, with a truck load of trouble bout to explode, sticking out like two sore thumbs
you d think what goes in
but then something wicked this way comes
Keep your boys in, cause uptown came downtown
keep your nose clean
you should see the way they dance
everything they do
And now they keep hanging around, keep your boys in Eye, keep your nose clean
You d think what goes in, why don t they grab a cab back to clubland
Keep your boys in, screen s frozen Eye, keep your nose clean
why don t they grab a cab back to clubland
like two drunken socialites
You d think what goes in, everything they do Eye, you should see the way they dance