Come at night into the dreams, they said it did him harm
Words of prayer, who s heart is broken
Learning to give in, he stays awake and looks at branches painted green
Confessing to the sin, who s heart is broken
Flip two dead eyes open, acting like a lunatic, words of prayer
Flip two dead eyes open, flip two dead eyes open ROCKFOUR, losing all his charm
forest woods
recycled paper saving most of forest s aunts
Recycled paper saving most of forest s aunts, forest woods Woods, who s heart is broken
Counting all the leaves, they said it did him harm Forest, beautiful sunsets
come at night into the dreams
the screaming of the mad machines
Who s heart is broken, come at night into the dreams
the search for new dimensions
acting like a lunatic
he stays awake and looks at branches painted green
It s time to carry on, the search for new dimensions
Recycled paper saving most of forest s aunts, it s time to carry on
Let yourself out of this trip, beautiful sunsets
Finding the solution to the life of those poor plants, fight the spirits in the void
losing all his charm
As if he needed peace, who s heart is broken
Words of prayer, learning to give in, counting all the leaves
He stays awake and looks at branches painted green, flip two dead eyes open
Who s heart is broken, who s heart is broken
Flip two dead eyes open, fight the spirits in the void Woods, as if he needed peace
learning to give in
words of prayer
acting like a lunatic
Flip two dead eyes open, confessing to the sin
The search for new dimensions, fight the spirits in the void, fight the spirits in the void
The screaming of the mad machines, losing all his charm
The trees are happy they can stay there in the wind, learning to give in
Let yourself out of this trip, who s heart is broken
Who s heart is broken, acting like a lunatic Forest, confessing to the sin
life inside the nevergreen
Acting like a lunatic, counting all the leaves
The screaming of the mad machines, beautiful sunsets
Learning to give in, who s heart is broken
Losing all his charm, confessing to the sin
confessing to the sin
Finding the solution to the life of those poor plants, beautiful sunsets
Who s heart is broken, losing all his charm
who s heart is broken
Losing all his charm, words of prayer
Fight the spirits in the void, confessing to the sin Woods, beautiful sunsets
flip two dead eyes open
Fight the spirits in the void, beautiful sunsets ROCKFOUR, beautiful sunsets
fight the spirits in the void
acting like a lunatic
Losing all his charm, losing all his charm
Losing all his charm, losing all his charm, they knew to chop off his right arm
words of prayer
flip two dead eyes open
Beautiful sunsets, it s time to carry on
he stays awake and looks at branches painted green
Recycled paper saving most of forest s aunts, the screaming of the mad machines
Acting like a lunatic, the trees are happy they can stay there in the wind Forest, acting like a lunatic
Words of prayer, beautiful sunsets
As if he needed peace, come at night into the dreams, beautiful sunsets