pictured people deep in love
Around the world yes it s gonna be big time, around the world yes it s gonna be big time, what has a big ginger rogers fred astaire
those happy feet can take you there
pictured people deep in love
Pictured people deep in love, pictured people deep in love, pictured people deep in love 3x
It says big time it s painted red, those happy feet can take you there Fred, what has a big time doing in japan
pictured people deep in love
those happy feet can take you there
Pictured people deep in love, around the world yes it s gonna be big time 4x, around the world yes it s gonna be big time 2x
pictured people deep in love
around the world yes it s gonna be big time 4x
Around the world yes it s gonna be big time 4x, pictured people deep in love
Inside of all as you aspect, around the world yes it s gonna be big time 2x
pictured people deep in love
Those happy feet can take you there, you know me i m your man, pictured people deep in love
Around the world yes it s gonna be big time, what has a big bell anyone can ring
around the world yes it s gonna be big time
So get the faith just pull this string, what has a big bell anyone can ring
So get the faith just pull this string, inside of all as you aspect
You know me i m your man, anyone can see that i m in love, pictured people deep in love
Around the world yes it s gonna be big time 2x, around the world yes it s gonna be big time 4x
pictured people deep in love
Pictured people deep in love, what has a big button anyone can press, around the world yes it s gonna be pictured people deep in love
Pictured people deep in love, well a big time does it in peru, so get the faith just pull this string
pictured people deep in love
pictured people deep in love
Pictured people deep in love, so get the faith just pull this string
Pictured people deep in love, around the world yes it s gonna be big time
so get the faith just pull this string
Around the world yes it s gonna be big time 2x, what has a big romeo and juliet, pictured people deep in love
around the world yes it s gonna be big time 4x
around the world yes it s gonna be big time 4x
Pictured people deep in love, pictured people deep in love, what has a big romeo and juliet
What has a big button anyone can press, what has a big bell anyone can ring, you know me i m your man
Pictured people deep in love, what has a big button anyone can press, pictured people deep in love
around the world yes it s gonna be big time 2x
Pictured people deep in love, pictured people deep in love 3x
You know me i m your man, it says big time it s painted red
Pictured people deep in love, you know me i m your man Right, anyone can see that i m in love
pictured people deep in love
well a big time does it in peru
Anyone can see that i m in love, pictured people deep in love