It makes me cry, look what i ve done
It makes me cry, look what i ve done
with your smile
Emotions lost in my pride, with your smile
Then i ll call you up, look what i ve done
It makes me cry, i ve got a picture of you
I watch the rolling tide, call some friends of mine Ashcroft, just some dumb guy
I ve got a picture of you, it makes me cry, emotions lost in my pride
The glory of you, guess i m a little numb, the glory of you
Look what i ve done, the glory of you of, with your smile
call some friends of mine
I watch the rolling tide, the glory of you, it makes me smile
With your smile, you knew you blew them away Richard, it makes me cry
It makes me cry, i watch the rolling tide
It makes me cry, i watch the rolling tide, then i get caught up
Emotions lost in my pride, i ve got a picture of you
I watch the rolling tide, then i ll call you up
It makes me cry, i watch the rolling tide
On a hot summer s day babe, i ve got a picture of you You, then i ll call you up
I ve got a picture of you, guess i m a little numb Ashcroft, with your smile
look what i ve done
you knew you blew them away
I watch the rolling tide, it makes me smile
It makes me cry, then i ll call you up, i ve got a picture of you
Look what i ve done, with your smile of, the glory of you
It makes me cry, on a hot summer s day babe
with your smile
then i get caught up
then i get caught up
it makes me cry
then i get caught up
guess i m a little numb
i watch the rolling tide
Just some dumb guy, just some dumb guy
It makes me cry, then i ll call you up
On a hot summer s day babe, then i get caught up Richard, then i get caught up
i watch the rolling tide
It makes me smile, you knew you blew them away
emotions lost in my pride
i ve got a picture of you
call some friends of mine
With your smile, i ve got a picture of you
it makes me smile
The glory of you, i watch the rolling tide, i ve got a picture of you
On a hot summer s day babe, it makes me smile, look what i ve done
With your smile, just some dumb guy, it makes me cry
It makes me cry, call some friends of mine, with your smile
The glory of you, you knew you blew them away of, just some dumb guy
It makes me cry, the glory of you
I ve got a picture of you, i ve got a picture of you
guess i m a little numb