God raise up reformers, god raise up reformers
Social injustice brought to an end, allegiant to one king and to the calling
This grace is enough to see, end this age
All by grace, freedom is now
who is bound
From the chief cornerstone we shall not stray, beaten and broken
All by grace, all by grace, i m covered by your perfect blood
god raise up reformers
Grace gives me a reason to fight, and every form of immorality broken
grace brought me from darkness
i m able to stand before the throne of god
i m covered by your perfect blood
Freedom is now, this is your time
the whole world changed forever
Who is bound, this grace is enough to see, grace brought me from darkness
I speak the hearts of every person, from the chief cornerstone we shall not stray
Beaten and broken, allegiant to one king and to the calling
Grace brought me from darkness, this is the time to see christ as the only way
grace gives me a reason to fight
This is the way to see a reformation, this is your time
And into the light, i m covered by your perfect blood Reform, and into the light
social injustice brought to an end
beaten and broken
From the chief cornerstone we shall not stray, god raise up reformers
From the chief cornerstone we shall not stray, grace gives me a reason to fight
end this age
This is your time, the whole world changed forever Reform, and every form of immorality broken
Grace gives me a reason to fight, this grace is enough to see
I m able to stand before the throne of god, who is bound, the whole world changed forever
god raise up reformers
grace brought me from darkness
Social injustice brought to an end, all by grace
From the chief cornerstone we shall not stray, i m covered by your perfect blood Reformers, this grace is enough to see
and every form of immorality broken
this grace is enough to see
Social injustice brought to an end, beaten and broken Reform, and every form of immorality broken
And into the light, we won t conform Reform, end this age
I speak the hearts of every person, grace gives me a reason to fight, this is the way to see a reformation