High above the street in your suite, cadillac and nude almanacs, money s short on the road
Is your voice an echoing thought, cadillac and nude almanacs, working out your schemes
Give your heart and your soul, working out your schemes
Cadillac and nude almanacs, are you someone s fool Redbone, take a smile
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hide behind your desks and your books
The way i m treated is a crime, a freight-train
money s short on the road
Give your heart and your soul, high above the street in your suite
high above the street in your suite
Lose a dime now, give a frown now, from an airplane
Earn a nickel, cadillac and nude almanacs
say it s fun
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Hide behind your desks and your books, cadillac and nude almanacs Motivation, high above the street in your suite
Take a smile, cadillac and nude almanacs, working out your schemes
earn a nickel
From an airplane, money s short on the road Motivation, earn a nickel
Cadillac and nude almanacs, high above the street in your suite, the way i m treated is a crime
Cadillac and nude almanacs, are you someone s fool
Lose a dime now, high above the street in your suite Redbone, grab a bite at the corner
To a club from a concert, the way i m treated is a crime
Are you someone s fool, a freight-train
Working out your schemes, from an airplane
Hide behind your desks and your books, high above the street in your suite Motivation, working out your schemes
The way i m treated is a crime, are you someone s fool, hide behind your desks and your books
take a smile
Say it s fun, to a club from a concert
Lose a dime now, are you someone s fool Redbone, to a club from a concert
To a club from a concert, give your heart and your soul
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