then a snort and a nod the chute gate swung as freckles yelled let s ride
Two thousand pounds of boiling hell was turnin wrong side out, december 1 was the friday night that all bull riders know
And so if bulls have got a heaven and somehow we re sure they do, and tonight bull ridin history s made and a cowboy gained a crown Brown, yes freckles is a hero but tornado gets some too
Two thousand pounds of boiling hell was turnin wrong side out, yes freckles is a hero but tornado gets some too
a cowboy hero born that day and freckles totes the load
Then a snort and a nod the chute gate swung as freckles yelled let s ride, and showing four feet to the lord and giving freckles hell Brown, let s hope that tornado s up there and the lord has let him through
Cause the cowboys are the toughest and the stock s the best there is, cause the only sound he listened for was the buzzer then he quit, it seemed the world exploded as freckles hit the ground
the first time he d been rode
His bull was called tornado and the cowboy freckles brown, cause tonight bull ridin history s made and a cowboy gained a crown
He s a young man now of 46 and he s made him a mighty draw, 200 times that bull had bucked
Then a snort and a nod the chute gate swung as freckles yelled let s ride, and so if bulls have got a heaven and somehow we re sure they do
A cowboy hero born that day and freckles totes the load, his bull was called tornado and the cowboy freckles brown
and that he feeds on bunch grass belly high
Cause the cowboys are the toughest and the stock s the best there is, his bull is from jim shoulders string tornado is how he s known, he lowered himself on dark red hide and pulled his bull rope tight
and showing four feet to the lord and giving freckles hell
His bull was called tornado and the cowboy freckles brown, and i hope he lives forever on bunch grass belly high
and tonight bull ridin history s made and a cowboy gained a crown
His bull is from jim shoulders string tornado is how he s known, and i hope them cowboys up there keep him fat and treat him kind
there s cowboy heroes made and born at rodeos like this
cause the cowboys are the toughest and the stock s the best there is
200 times that bull had bucked, and i hope them cowboys up there keep him fat and treat him kind, hope his pasture is the greenest and his stock tank is never dry
He lowered himself on dark red hide and pulled his bull rope tight, he swung his hat around his head and he shouted with the crowd Freckles, a cowboy hero born that day and freckles totes the load
His bull s called tornado and the cowboy freckles brown, hope his pasture is the greenest and his stock tank is never dry Brown, and showing four feet to the lord and giving freckles hell
Eight thousand fans were on their feet and he couldn t hear a lick, then chuck announced that in chute 2 a cowboy we all know
Jim Shoulders bull Tornado 200 outs never ridden and the great Freckles Brown, what a night. I had the privilege to be in Oklahoma that night, and when I close my eyes I can still see the ride. I have seen many great bulls and cowboys over the years, but that ride will always stand as the greatest.
Angeni I retired from rodeo compitionin1985 and a friend of mine claims he has Freckles Brown's rodeo number 31from national finals rodeo 1967 angenie give me a call at 660 365 0048 OK
My uncle C.P. Watson rode bulls with Freckles Brown. I'm sure he was there when Freckles made this ride. At that time, the National Finals were held in Oklahoma City. Love Oklahoma!!!
This piece is a study of the splendor and music dynamics of Steagall. Literary texture, tone, visiual imagery, realism, humanism, and drama all are captured and reflected. This is a southern historical recount of an actual event. This man exubes Honorary Doctrate. Great musicians and accompaniment too. Bless it!
I was just 17 and one of the lucky to be there the night Freckles rode Tornado. I grew up around rodeo and horses. At an age of 14 when other boys were getting motorcycles, I wanted and got a horse. So I knew who Freckles was and and about Tornado. My dad knew Jim Shoulders. So this was the thrill of a lifetime to see history made and now 51 years later I still remember what it was like. It was a standing ovation to Freckles and I think to Tornado as well.
This is a great song but I prefer the version from the original album/cassette... it's the version where at the end he says, "on bunchgrass... belly (pause) high"
I was there that night to but I was five years old and I was hangon to my dad's hand and Freckles Got and put his gear up he stood and looked around and walked over to me and my dad and bent over and how did you like you like that real calm like that
i am not sour because i have these album and it sons different i have to say that is not Red AND ALSO ON THE ALBUM YOU CAN HERE THE CROWD CHEERING WHEN HE LENDS IN THE DIRT WHIT OUT KNOWING THAT WAS HIS LAST RIDE .THESE IS FROM A DIFFERENT ALBUM
Red helped me write a profile essay paper for an class at Northwest Missouri State. He has been a great inspiration for me, in times when I needed it. I tip my hat a great cowboy and a friend