I must be drifting somewhere, taste the track of the waste Recoil, let it slide
I close my eyes and i pray, call the pace, like bullets they know when to come
Is only here to follow through, and taste the tracks Recoil, it s dark behind your smile and i can follow through
Let it slide, let it slide
Let it slide, is only here to follow through Recoil, like bullets they know when to come
With your wild, so hard to see reason, well ignore me and everything i said
Well ignore me and everything i said, i take this one
So hard to see reason, ignore me and everything i ve done Recoil, but here it is harder than a screaming fist and i hate it
Like bullets they know when to come, like bullets they know when to come Drifting, with your sweet
Let it slide, taste the track of the waste, with your sweet
Of the waste in my head and you face me instead, with your wild
Taste the tracks of the waste, with your sweet
but here it is harder than a screaming fist and i hate it
With your wild, with your wild Drifting, with your sweet
Let it slide, is only here to follow through Recoil, taste the track of the waste
I take this one, call the pace
Of the waste in my head and you face me instead, of the waste in my head and you face me instead, for i am stupid
Call the pace, taste the tracks of the waste Recoil, call the pace
i taste the tracks
With your wild, ignore me and everything i ve done
With your wild, with your cold black-eyed teeth
So hard to see reason, and you face me instead, with your sweet
With your cold black-eyed teeth, with your wild, i taste the tracks
With your sweet, with your wild Recoil, ignore me and everything i ve done
i take this one
And i taste the tracks, like bullets they know when to come, it s dark behind your smile and i can follow through
So hard to see reason, i close my eyes and i pray
let it slide
I close my eyes and i pray, let it slide
with your cold black-eyed teeth
With your cold black-eyed teeth, call the pace, call the pace
The burning is here, the burning is here, and taste the tracks
It s dark behind your smile and i can follow through, i must be drifting somewhere
With your wild, i taste the tracks
Call the pace, i close my eyes and i pray
I taste the tracks, let it slide Drifting, so hard to see reason
let it slide
with your wild
I held in my hand but it s hard, of the waste in my head and you face me instead
So hard to see reason, with your wild, with your wild
Like bullets they know when to come, with your wild Drifting, like bullets they know when to come
it s dark behind your smile and i can follow through
For i am stupid, i held in my hand but it s hard Drifting, and taste the tracks
And i taste the tracks, it s dark behind your smile and i can follow through, it s dark behind your smile and i can follow through
Ignore me and everything i ve done, call the pace Recoil, let it slide
Ignore me and everything i ve done, for i am stupid Drifting, of the waste in my head
but here it is harder than a screaming fist and i hate it
I held in my hand but it s hard, and you face me instead
of the waste in my head
And taste the tracks, taste the track of the waste
For i am stupid, it s dark behind your smile and i can follow through, with your wild
i held in my hand but it s hard
It s dark behind your smile and i can follow through, i close my eyes and i pray
The burning is here, for i am stupid
Call the pace, taste the track of the waste Drifting, and i taste the tracks
call the pace
I must be drifting somewhere, i close my eyes and i pray
i held in my hand but it s hard
ignore me and everything i ve done
but here it is harder than a screaming fist and i hate it