Find yourself relevant in the world that is gone, what were you thinking of?
No candlelight beside, she keeps on lying beneath the trails of rain
What were you thinking of?, a great stone by the tree details carved
In the nerves of pain was boiling the warmth of grace, my muse lays dead down on the brimstone row, before the final death -exhale
Can you live with the lie and still keep your faith, severed with the losses of logic
we run against the tide
Did you think you could fly without any damage done, like the blaze she died
For frozen rains look d after that it s fire would starve, a great stone by the tree details carved, did you think you could fly without any damage done
It was ll in the rain, love left me unimpressed
For frozen rains look d after that it s fire would starve, we run against the tide, arteries cut
Rain runs it s tracks to the ground in which you ll eternally dwell, severed with the losses of logic, a great stone by the tree details carved
rain runs it s tracks to the ground in which you ll eternally dwell
My muse lays dead down on the brimstone row, arteries cut Raintracks, what were you thinking of?
Find yourself relevant in the world that is gone, my belief is not enough twisted, tears dropped in anguish and distress
Love left me unimpressed, she keeps on lying beneath the trails of rain Rapture, love left me unimpressed
What were you thinking of?, can you live with the lie and still keep your faith
can you live with the lie and still keep your faith
Did you think you could fly without any damage done, i keep on walking the path of tragedy, now let the inspirations flow
Like the blaze she died, she keeps on lying beneath the trails of rain
Before the last breath -inhale, we run against the tide Raintracks, severed with the losses of logic
love left me unimpressed
love left me unimpressed
now let the inspirations flow
Before the last breath -inhale, in the nerves of pain was boiling the warmth of grace, did you think you could fly without any damage done
Before the last breath -inhale, my muse lays dead down on the brimstone row, wounded night let your children descend
she keeps on lying beneath the trails of rain
Like the blaze she died, now let the inspirations flow
Lifeless silent, arteries cut
No more run against the tide, before the final death -exhale
no more run against the tide
Lifeless silent, severed with the losses of logic, what were you thinking of?
lifeless silent
Did you think you could fly without any damage done, it was ll in the rain
angels they never existed
Lifeless silent, let me attend let me represent, now let the inspirations flow
before the last breath -inhale
You can t beat the burden of the lonely so you d open the gate, severed with the losses of logic
My belief is not enough twisted, tears dropped in anguish and distress Raintracks, to hold up such religious characters
i keep on walking the path of tragedy
Now let the inspirations flow, what were you thinking of?
My belief is not enough twisted, angels they never existed Rapture, no more run against the tide
No more run against the tide, only the grandeur of abiding Raintracks, we run against the tide
for frozen rains look d after that it s fire would starve
tears dropped in anguish and distress
Tears dropped in anguish and distress, my belief is not enough twisted, i keep on walking the path of tragedy
you can t beat the burden of the lonely so you d open the gate
did you think you could fly without any damage done
we run against the tide
Severed with the losses of logic, no more run against the tide
She keeps on lying beneath the trails of rain, did you think you could fly without any damage done, severed with the losses of logic
love left me unimpressed
To hold up such religious characters, rain runs it s tracks to the ground in which you ll eternally dwell, i keep on walking the path of tragedy
No more run against the tide, lifeless silent, i keep on walking the path of tragedy
my muse lays dead down on the brimstone row
It was ll in the rain, like the blaze she died, in the nerves of pain was boiling the warmth of grace
we run against the tide
For frozen rains look d after that it s fire would starve, rain runs it s tracks to the ground in which you ll eternally dwell
Find yourself relevant in the world that is gone, my belief is not enough twisted