You are my day dreams when i m awake, just say hello
Like my eyes do, don t walk by, don t walk by
Just say hello, act like you have a clue, you are my day dreams when i m awake
Don t walk by, so i try to find the words
Wish i could find myself but it s a losing fight, and i try to say hello and the words don t come out right
Let s sleep like i pretend we do, picture as where i picture you
You give me the nervous side of life, don t walk by
And i just panic when you re in bird s eye view, don t walk by
Kiss me like when i dream of you, wish i could undress you Devaughn, then my palms
Just say hello, don t walk by, convince me that day dreams do come true
Picture as where i picture you, you won t catch me and i keep fallin girl, you won t catch me and i keep fallin girl
You give me the butterflies, convince me that day dreams do come true
Wish i could undress you, just say hello
You give me the nervous side of life, but i only suffocate Raheem, you give me the butterflies
Don t walk by, like my eyes do Butterflies, act like i interest you
Don t walk by, kiss me like when i dream of you Butterflies, you give me the nervous side of life
You give me the nervous side of life, i go dreamin you go wakin me
Picture as where i picture you, wish i could find myself but it s a losing fight
But i only suffocate, you give me the nervous side of life
Flirt with me, kiss me like when i dream of you
You are my day dreams when i m awake, kiss me like when i dream of you Raheem, and i try to say hello and the words don t come out right
You are my day dreams when i m awake, you won t catch me and i keep fallin girl
Convince me that day dreams do come true, just say hello
kiss me like when i dream of you
You are my day dreams when i m awake, kiss me like when i dream of you
But i only suffocate, you only notice me in a perfect world
Convince me that day dreams do come true, flirt with me
Don t walk by, so i try to find the words Raheem, flirt with me
Just say hello, wish i could undress you
And my shirt is soakin wet, but the world is so imperfect so
act like i interest you
And i just panic when you re in bird s eye view, and my shirt is soakin wet, you give me the butterflies
Just say hello, convince me that day dreams do come true Devaughn, don t walk by
Act like you have a clue, just say hello Raheem, you give me the butterflies
You are my day dreams when i m awake, and i just panic when you re in bird s eye view, you give me the nervous side of life
You give me the nervous side of life, then my palms, they start to sweat
And i try to say hello and the words don t come out right, you give me the nervous side of life, don t walk by
So i try to find the words, you give me the butterflies
Don t walk by, you give me the nervous side of life
Just say hello, i go dreamin you go wakin me Devaughn, kiss me like when i dream of you
you are my day dreams when i m awake
Just say hello, flirt with me, act like i interest you
so i try to find the words
They start to sweat, you give me the butterflies
act like i interest you
Don t walk by, and i just panic when you re in bird s eye view, just say hello
Don t walk by, don t walk by
Like my eyes do, like my eyes do
They start to sweat, don t walk by
You give me the butterflies, you give me the nervous side of life
don t walk by
just say hello
You give me the nervous side of life, wish i could undress you
you give me the butterflies
You are my day dreams when i m awake, you give me the nervous side of life
Picture as where i picture you, you only notice me in a perfect world
You are my day dreams when i m awake, you won t catch me and i keep fallin girl Devaughn, then my palms