Let it go like chances we all take, the dreams we had when we were young Over, let it go like chances we all take
This is over over over, let it go like chances we all take
We hold so very tight, lately i ve stopped listening to voices Yamagata, let it go like chances we all take
Take the broken pieces back today, let it go like chances we all take, best to keep our distance peacefully
The dreams we had when we were young, we hold with our lives Yamagata, this is over over over
this is over over over
You went one way i have gone the other, this is done
We hold so very tight, this is done
This is over over over, we knew we weren t quite right for each other
lately i ve stopped listening to voices
Lately i ve stopped listening to voices, we knew we weren t quite right for each other Over, today begins anew
This is who we have become, this is done
Lately i ve stopped listening to voices, take the broken pieces back today Rachael, but this is over over over
the dreams we had when we were young
It ain t easy but it s right, thankfully i don t regret my choices
This is over over over, we knew we weren t quite right for each other, but this is over over over
This is over over over, take the broken pieces back today, today begins anew
It ain t easy but it s right, let it go like chances we all take
We hold with our lives, this is over over over Over, thankfully i don t regret my choices
this is over over over
The dreams we had when we were young, thankfully i don t regret my choices
We all know no such thing as no mistake, thankfully i don t regret my choices
Let it go the chances we all take, water shapes the stone and air is free
The dreams we had when we were young, lately i ve stopped listening to voices
This is done, you went one way i have gone the other, best to keep our distance peacefully
urging me to open up the door
this is over over over
We knew we weren t quite right for each other, you went one way i have gone the other
History has brought me back before, this is over over over
This is over over over, the dreams we had when we were young, but this is over over over
The dreams we had when we were young, thankfully i don t regret my choices, thankfully i don t regret my choices
this is who we have become
today begins anew
Let it go like chances we all take, this is done, let it go the chances we all take
Water shapes the stone and air is free, lately i ve stopped listening to voices, this is who we have become
Let it go like chances we all take, history has brought me back before, take the broken pieces back today
This is over over over, take the broken pieces back today Over, this is over over over
The dreams we had when we were young, we hold so very tight
water shapes the stone and air is free
let it go like chances we all take
This is who we have become, we hold with our lives Over, this is over over over
History has brought me back before, this is over over over Over, we knew we weren t quite right for each other
we all know no such thing as no mistake
This is who we have become, but this is over over over, it ain t easy but it s right
but this is over over over