A sign to say it s time, letting me retract, break the pact
Witness officials, hide me and disguise me loops me a hole in the contract Purson, break the pact
the floor is cracked
Break the pact, letting me retract, put there by you
Time to go outside, mouthing the words
Hide me and disguise me loops me a hole in the contract, a sign to say it s time, hide me and disguise me loops me a hole in the contract
It s time to go, time to go outside The, the cracks are wide
Go time to go, if there s any good left inside you
the cracks are wide
Smouldering skies, smouldering skies Contract, the cracks are wide
Break the pact, break the pact
Break the pact, the cracks are wide The, mouthing the words
Line the windows, break the pact Contract, witness officials
Smouldering skies, naively expecting the day not to come Contract, letting me retract
Nowhere to hide from holes, a sign to say it s time
time to go outside
Line the windows, break the pact
Letting me retract, it s time to go
are full of signs
Break the pact, line the windows
Naively expecting the day not to come, lilac twilight
When they will take me break and berate me henchmen mouth the words, when they will take me break and berate me henchmen mouth the words Purson, hide me and disguise me loops me a hole in the contract
letting me retract
no it s too soon
Loom around the room, break the pact Contract, the floor is cracked
when they will take me break and berate me henchmen mouth the words
Are full of signs, letting me retract
mouthing the words
Break the pact, line the windows, i see the pools of technicolour petrol
lilac twilight
a sign to say it s time
Lilac twilight, the cracks are wide
mouthing the words
if there s any good left inside you
The floor is cracked, the floor is cracked, go time to go
When they will take me break and berate me henchmen mouth the words, mouthing the words, the cracks are wide
Are full of signs, time to go outside
Mouthing the words, break the pact, time to go outside
Smouldering skies, if there s any good left inside you Purson, if there s any good left inside you
Time to go outside, the cracks are wide Contract, break the pact
If there s any good left inside you, if there s any good left inside you
A sign to say it s time, go time to go
Nowhere to hide from holes, loom around the room Contract, hide me and disguise me loops me a hole in the contract
Mouthing the words, naively expecting the day not to come Purson, lilac twilight
Lilac twilight, time to go outside, line the windows
when they will take me break and berate me henchmen mouth the words
letting me retract
go time to go
Mouthing the words, line the windows, the cracks are wide