Mad from the world s lies he sees you, mad from the world s lies he sees you
And open up their eyes, love your brother
a man walks down the street
We go through this life with our eyes closed, and open up their eyes Open, we gotta take time to love all our brothers
Under his arms there s a bible, a boy sleeps under a bridge, jesus tugging at his heart
Take time to know your brothers, the lord opened up his eyes
And comes to seek jesus christ, a boy sleeps under a bridge Open, because he is filthy and homeless
take time to know your brothers
jesus tugging at his heart
and we close our eyes
And comes to seek jesus christ, and comes to seek jesus christ
A man walks down the street, jesus tugging at his heart
Under his arms there s a bible, and open up their eyes
This man also loves jesus, and when you tell him about the lord
We gotta take time to love all our brothers, and comes to seek jesus christ Open, this man also loves jesus
we go through this life with our eyes closed
jesus tugging at his heart
so just open up your eyes
So just open up your eyes, we gotta take time to love all our brothers
Under his arms there s a bible, and when you tell him about the lord
Under his arms there s a bible, jesus tugging at his heart Eyes, a man walks down the street
Jesus tugging at his heart, under his arms there s a bible, take time to know your brothers
and we turn off the people who need us most
And we close our eyes, the lord opened up his eyes
Because no one looks perfect except in jesus eyes, so just open up your eyes, because he is filthy and homeless
And when you tell him about the lord, we go through this life with our eyes closed
and open up their eyes
And we turn off the people who need us most, you ll see the fear in his eyes Eyes, because he is filthy and homeless