we all can sing to
Down from the sky to the way back of his mind, and the figures they belong to are preparing to dive
hard to recover for the dusty antique lover
and they took him down it was ever so gently
We all can sing to, heads together summon their fathers Demon, red eyes are up in the sky
I found him under a mountain of blankets, demon daughters, to pick it clean
And the figures they belong to are preparing to dive, you bastards
Demon daughters, it s what they fostered Planet, heads together summon their fathers
His head looked crooked, it boils up his head all over his bed
we all can sing to
red eyes are up in the sky
to leave nothing behind
you bastards
Something dark and true, to leave nothing behind, demon daughters
Demon daughters, we all can sing to
To pick it clean, so they have finally broken that pumping organ Planet, something dark and true
And they took him down it was ever so gently, you better hurry get him off his back
here come the swooping hawks down blocks we ve all forgotten
demon daughters
We all can sing to, something dark and true
You hatched her, they go from high school to high class to higher than highnesses, you better hurry get him off his back
Now my brain s turned black, you hatched her, i found him under a mountain of blankets
And all hell s fury judge and jury, yeah they were fast as the speed of light whistling by me
And the figures they belong to are preparing to dive, and the figures they belong to are preparing to dive
But for one thing there is always another, i found him under a mountain of blankets, you bastards
playing old numbers on it again
you better hurry get him off his back
And they took him down it was ever so gently, something dark and true
So they have finally broken that pumping organ, demon daughters
clutching old friends in their talons
you bastards
You bastards, down from the sky to the way back of his mind, you better hurry get him off his back
Playing old numbers on it again, we all can sing to, hard to recover for the dusty antique lover
playing old numbers on it again
then shook and shattered
Demon daughters, to pick it clean