There s something wrong with me, and that s when something snaps inside of me Wrong, hopeless indecision s got a hold of me
There s something wrong with me, they re not too proud of me With, live your life jesus christ
you are not like me
There s something wrong with me, fact is something s wrong inside of me With, mom and dad they re not too proud of me
Confusion on your face is plain to see, you are not like me, born without a fucking clue
yeah yeah i can t believe
Live your life jesus christ, i m never gonna be it s so plain to see, i m proud just being me
i m never gonna be it s so plain to see
And that s when something snaps inside of me, and now i live my life to be free, live your life jesus christ
Hopeless indecision s got a hold of me, you don t like my tatoos how does this dishonor you
They re not too proud of me, yeah yeah it s plain to see Pennywise, they re not too proud of me
Yeah yeah it s plain to see, i m proud just being me
I m a product of society, i m never gonna be it s so plain to see, yeah yeah i can t believe
Confusion on your face is plain to see, born without a fucking clue
there s something wrong with me
I m a product of society, your opinion s invalid to me
They re not too proud of me, your opinion s invalid to me With, i can t stand your attitude think i m lost think i m rude
yeah yeah it s plain to see
Never gonna be what you wanna be, and that s when something snaps inside of me
Look at what you ve done to me a product of society, confusion on your face is plain to see
They re not too proud of me, they re not too proud of me, you are not like me
I m a product of society, hopeless indecision s got a hold of me
There s something wrong with me, i d like to encourage you to believe the things i do Me, and that s when something snaps inside of me
And now i live my life to be free, look at what you ve done to me a product of society, at times i find it hard to see what i really want to be
i was once just like you
And that s when something snaps inside of me, you are not like me Something, i m never gonna be it s so plain to see
yeah yeah it s plain to see
There s something wrong with me, your opinion s invalid to me
fact is something s wrong inside of me
And now i live my life to be free, i d like to encourage you to believe the things i do
Your opinion s invalid to me, fact is something s wrong inside of me Wrong, trouble in paradise
Never gonna be what you wanna be, mom and dad they re not too proud of me, there s something wrong with me