i can remember why we said goodbye goodbye
That was until today, i just had to fall in love again
I just had to fall in love again, i just had to fall in love again Peabo, fall in love again
Fall in love, i can t help myself, when by chance
it s still you
I just had to fall in love again, had to fall in love
Fall in love, fall in love fall in love fall in love again, having you near me makes me realize
only took one look and i knew that i still love you
When by chance, fall in love fall in love fall in love again
Only took one look and i knew that i still loved you, only took one look and i knew that i still love you
Fall in love, though it was something i swore i d never do
Had to fall in love, though it was something i swore i d never do Just, it s still you
though it was something i swore i d never do
Though it was something i swore i d never do, fall in love Fall, it only took one look and i knew that i still love you
I just had to fall, i just had to fall in love again Fall, though it was something i swore i d never do
Only took one look and i knew that i still love you, though it was something i swore i d never do
i really need you
I just had to fall in love again, i thought it was over
old feelings
I just had to fall in love again, i just had to fall in love again To, i really need you
I just had to fall in love again, though it was something i swore i d never do
it only took one look and i knew that i still love you
It s still you, i thought it was over, though it was something i swore i d never do
i just had to fall in love again
It only took one look and i knew that i still love you, i just had to fall in love again
Though it was something i swore i d never do, having you near me makes me realize
When by chance, fall in love
I just had to fall in love again, fall in love To, come here and listen
Had to fall in love, i just had to fall in love again
i just had to fall in love again
I just had to fall in love again, though it was something i swore i d never do Peabo, that was until today
I just had to fall in love again, our romance had seen better days
Though it was something i swore i d never do, i just had to fall in love again
I just had to fall in love again, only took one look and i knew that i still loved you
I can remember why we said goodbye goodbye, our romance had seen better days
We d gone our separate ways, had to fall in love Had, i just had to fall in love again
fall in love
I just had to fall in love again, i just had to fall Peabo, after all this time
after all this time
i just had to fall
Only took one look and i knew that i still loved you, fall in love, only took one look and i knew that i still love you
It only took one look and i knew that i still love you, i can remember why we said goodbye goodbye
Though it was something i swore i d never do, it only took one look and i knew that i still love you
After all this time, our romance had seen better days
I just had to fall in love again, i just had to fall in love again Had, i really need you
I just had to fall in love again, i just had to fall in love again
Though it was something i swore i d never do, that was until today
I just had to fall in love again, fall in love Just, though it was something i swore i d never do
Come here and listen, though it was something i swore i d never do, they came over me