Then he ll call it quits for sure, i ve trained the best
if you haven t got it so you wanna be a boxer
When you find that your boy has a glass jaw, if you haven t got it
So you wanna be a boxer, i can tell you ve got it in you
if you need to you weave
in the golden ring
Putting him in the ring, that chicken will crow
Well show him the ropes, look at what you found, well show him the ropes
Let him feel the sting, if you haven t got it Williams, let me have a wing
Tearing him apart, let him feel the sting, tearing him apart
if you listen and you learn
you re a king not a clown
well show him the ropes
If you haven t got it put him in the ring, we can make him dance
putting him in the ring
We ll make it quite swift, there s a golden boy inside you
When you work and you sweat, give the guy a chance, we can make him dance
put him in the ring
Can you pass the test, wanna be the champ Be, wanna be the champ
I ve trained the best, we can use the fun, when you work and you sweat
Let me have a swing, wanna be the champ
so you wanna be a boxer
Can you punch like a south-bound freight train, if you haven t got it put him in the ring, if you haven t got it put him in the ring
Chicken a la carte, something new to punch Be, let me have him joe
Let me have him joe, something new to punch, we can use the fun
Look at what you found, we can use the fun
We can make him dance, tell me just one thing Boxer, something new to punch
Then he ll call it quits for sure, i can tell you ve got it in you
Something new to punch, something new to punch, but you might as well quit
Pushing him around, chicken a la carte, if you haven t got it so you wanna be a boxer
then he ll get the drift
You might as well quit, when you find that your boy has a glass jaw
when you find that your boy has a glass jaw
Put him in the ring, tearing him apart
let me have a wing
well show him the ropes
We ll pulp him to bits, we can use the fun
Not a punched-out tramp, can you fake
put him in the ring
then he ll get the drift
not a punched-out tramp
Putting him in the ring, i ve trained the best Boxer, look at what you found
and deceive when you need to
if you haven t got it so you wanna be a boxer
putting him in the ring
Let me have a swing, and you bet that you train to a buzz-saw
But you might as well quit, you re a king not a clown
Let him feel the sting, can you fake
So you wanna be a boxer, tearing him apart, putting him in the ring
Pushing him around, put him in the ring
Put him in the ring, so you wanna be a boxer, something new to punch