El sicario Frost 2020-06-08 08:17:08 | Profile As I drift within my dreams, conscious of such beauty memories so distant in my mind, within the dreams I may find the answers I have searched for so many times,, as in the heart,, beauty as I sleep take my hand feel myheart as it beats.
Versikulo 2020-05-28 18:08:40 | Profile Beautiful work by the way LEYLI ..♡♡¨˜"°º❦★♪♬♭♫∳ Thank you for the nice moments with you ...
ERIC ABBISS 2020-05-21 12:25:31 | Profile Fantastic video. dear Leylİ ... love it. Enjoyed. Many thanks. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for You. God bless you. Friendly greetings :-)