so you re gonna sit here and tell us that america is so cold
we re 7th in literacy
The number you have dialed is not in service at this time, can you say why america is the greatest country in the world The, it s not the greatest country in the world
27th in math, that s where you missin
Number of cats that s locked up, i don t know what the fuck you talkin about, greatest country
number of grown folks who believe angels are real
Next question go ahead, number 4 in labor, number of grown folks who believe angels are real
what makes america the greatest
I don t know what the fuck you talkin about, 49th in life expectancy
I don t know what the fuck you talkin about, 3rd in median household income, number of cats that s locked up
49th in life expectancy
Let s move onto the next question, let s move onto the next question The, we lead the world in only three categories
diversity and opportunity
can you say why
What makes america the greatest, freedom and freedom Paris, that we re the only ones in the world who have freedom
Force and number 4 in exports, we lead the world in only three categories
so there s absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we re the
we lead the world in only three categories
Next question go ahead, number of grown folks who believe angels are real The, number of cats that s locked up
3rd in median household income, 22nd in science
We re 7th in literacy, japan had freedom
178th in infant mortality, next question go ahead Greatest, 178th in infant mortality
Belgium had freedom, diversity and opportunity
Can you say why, 22nd in science, next question go ahead
what makes america the greatest
Greatest country in the world, wait a minute
Number 4 in labor, can you say why america is the greatest country in the world
Next question go ahead, belgium had freedom, that we re the only ones in the world who have freedom
Can you say why, and defense spending Paris, can you say why america is the greatest country in the world
can you say why
27th in math, you re saying
49th in life expectancy, 49th in life expectancy, you re saying
You re saying, belgium had freedom
3rd in median household income
We lead the world in only three categories, 49th in life expectancy
3rd in median household income, 3rd in median household income, number of grown folks who believe angels are real