They point their fingers at us it s us you were killing, never to fade impossible to erase, the facts of history
Time is running out to correct the direction, we must go on without correction of our deeds Sadness, to wash the sins away but they never disappear
To change fate with fantasy, life does not forget the truth
Is there only sadness left or time for correction, a pace without disgrace right to infinity Sadness, like our acts of hate which will never fade
A possibility that we are free, the facts of history
never to fade impossible to erase
Away from sadness madness, away from hate away from hate, never to fade impossible to erase
inside our memory like a secret haze
Those to me are fools who try to change, they point their fingers at us it s us you were killing, we can make the rules change the lanes
Is there only sadness left or time for correction, only progressing forwards on a constant speed
away from hate away from hate
never to fade impossible to erase
The facts of history, captured by our past eternally, to wash the sins away but they never disappear
away from hate away from hate
Those to me are fools who try to change, the facts of history Paradox, we must go on without correction of our deeds
the facts of history
captured by our past eternally
that s why we feel sadness madness
Inside our memory like a secret haze, our ancestors accused same us our children, if i could rewind the turning hands of time
A pace without disgrace right to infinity, away from hate away from hate
away from sadness madness
away from sadness madness
That s why we feel sadness madness, it sounds like irony we all are free Sadness, those to me are fools who try to change
On the day we die sins evade from inside, time is running out to correct the direction Sadness, away from sadness madness
On the day we die sins evade from inside, we can make the rules change the lanes
to wash the sins away but they never disappear
memories always coming through
those to me are fools who try to change
it sounds like irony we all are free
We can make the rules change the lanes, those to me are fools who try to change
that s why we feel sadness madness
If i could rewind the turning hands of time, those to me are fools who try to change Sadness, the facts of history
To wash the sins away but they never disappear, to wash the sins away but they never disappear, away from sadness madness
life does not forget the truth
Captured by our past eternally, away from hate away from hate, to wash the sins away but they never disappear
Captured by our past eternally, life does not forget the truth, we can make the rules change the lanes
Never to fade impossible to erase, a pace without disgrace right to infinity
if i could rewind the turning hands of time
To wash the sins away but they never disappear, captured by our past eternally
never to fade impossible to erase
So many tears we shed a lake of tears, is there only sadness left or time for correction
Is there only sadness left or time for correction, to wash the sins away but they never disappear
it sounds like irony we all are free
those to me are fools who try to change
captured by our past eternally
the facts of history
Life does not forget the truth, that s why we feel sadness madness Paradox, if i could rewind the turning hands of time
That s why we feel sadness madness, a pace without disgrace right to infinity, time is running out to correct the direction
Only progressing forwards on a constant speed, we must go on without correction of our deeds Paradox, a pace without disgrace right to infinity
They point their fingers at us it s us you were killing, only progressing forwards on a constant speed
So many tears we shed a lake of tears, a pace without disgrace right to infinity
those to me are fools who try to change
The facts of history, they point their fingers at us it s us you were killing, so many tears we shed a lake of tears
Captured by our past eternally, to change fate with fantasy
The facts of history, captured by our past eternally, inside our memory like a secret haze
Time is running out to correct the direction, it sounds like irony we all are free Sadness, only progressing forwards on a constant speed