you are just the kind of girl I always wanted, when I was a little boy thinking about being grown. now that I'm a man and I've let you go. Cause I, I want you a very longest in a sense.
I always wanted pain x2
I always wanted x2
Idk I think that's what he says
I find myself searching for this song every few months - this has been for the past few years. I can never get enough. I find myself listening to it over and over again, repeatedly posting it on my Facebook. The album definitely deserves more recognition. And I love that this link plays it a second time!
I finally just decided to purchase the album.
An enormous thank you to all involved in the making of this album, to Doomtree, and to the amazing, deep, beautiful, soulful artists that produce the music that assists me in thinking deeply, makes me feel deeply, and helps me to connect with something. This truly soothes my soul.