Nah that ain t me, spit in the face of many people i thought you should know, and that s something i ma always regret long as i live
You should let me be, spit in the face of many people i thought you should know
You should let me be, burn a bridge if it makes me grow Outerspace, but one day we gonna know the truth
Cause she wanted to see her son and twins that died at birth, a white rose was handed out as we prayed for her soul
Watch this jealous one envy, when i don t know what i m suppose to do
Cause there s a better way, i hit my knees and i pray to you, and that s something i ma always regret long as i live
I ve done a lot of wrong in this time and place, but one day we gonna know the truth, when you re six feet in the hole that means you re dead and gon
Unbearable pain, my brothers hold me i m falling
i hit my knees and i pray to you
God i hope you re watching, i ve done a lot of wrong in this time and place Father, a hug from my sons always make me complete
that was the realest shit i heard in my life
Grandpa said she a champion, that was the realest shit i heard in my life Outerspace, but one day we gonna know the truth
Heaven her trophy, if there s a place in god s kingdom save a spot for me Outerspace, my grandmother just died i watched mom cry hysterical
Spit in the face of many people i thought you should know, i felt terrible
watch this jealous one envy
But i doubt you ll understand cause you claim you perfect, i hit my knees and i pray to you
don t give a fuck about today if there s no tomorrow
one day i ma see your face
Don t give a fuck about today if there s no tomorrow, everybody feel my wrath
and i don t believe if you die that your soul lives on
I hope you re listening, a hug from my sons always make me complete
when i don t know what i m suppose to do
The same part inside me that believes you care, watch this jealous one envy
Cause we don t always believe in you, i hope life is everlasting when you re under the dirt
When i don t know what i m suppose to do, i know you re all in a better place
cause she wanted to see her son and twins that died at birth
Tell the ones that you took away, nah that ain t me
can t reconcile what i ve started or express my sorrow
i hit my knees and i pray to you
Watch this jealous one envy, can t reconcile what i ve started or express my sorrow
Heaven her trophy, unbearable pain Outerspace, will always mend my scars anytime i m feeling alone
The same part inside me that believes you care, can t reconcile what i ve started or express my sorrow Outerspace, burn a bridge if it makes me grow
I ve committed many sins in this place that s worthless, cause we don t always believe in you
Everybody feel my wrath, heaven her trophy
My brothers hold me i m falling, i ve done a lot of wrong in this time and place Our, a loss of life that stands so close can get sickening
but one day we gonna know the truth
heaven her trophy
burn a bridge if it makes me grow
Nah that ain t me, heaven her trophy, i ve committed many sins in this place that s worthless
I ma always throw stones if my house is made of glass, tell the ones that you took away
Nah that ain t me, tears dressed her heart, but one day we gonna know the truth
I ve committed many sins in this place that s worthless, my brothers hold me i m falling, i cut a throat
i ve committed many sins in this place that s worthless
Spit in the face of many people i thought you should know, tell the ones that you took away, i hit my knees and i pray to you
The same part inside me that believes you care, when i don t know what i m suppose to do Outerspace, can t reconcile what i ve started or express my sorrow
i stab a nigga in the back if it affects my wealth
cause there s a better way
my grandmother just died i watched mom cry hysterical
I stab a nigga in the back if it affects my wealth, when you re six feet in the hole that means you re dead and gon