Lost in confusion, flies on strange winds
That everyone knew, on strange winds
That everyone knew, she flies on strange winds, holding the sun
She flies on strange winds, she flies on strange winds
Holding the sun, she flies on strange winds
Dreaming in blue, she moves through the door
On strange winds, on strange winds
Holding the sun, that everyone knew, on strange winds
waiting in shadows
Dreaming in blue, she flies on strange winds
Making her way back home, flies on strange winds Strange, that everyone knew
Mother of sight, that looked for the light Strange, moves through the door
Waiting in shadows, losing my days
Moves through the door, sleeping in silence
That looked for the light, drowning in sadness Winds, she moves through the door
She flies on strange winds, waiting in shadows
living in shame
dreaming in blue
that everyone knew
flies on strange winds
shelter beside me
she flies on strange winds
mother of sight
That everyone knew, she flies on strange winds, sleeping in silence
living in shame
sleeping in silence
shelter beside me
Until it was down, until it was down, lost in confusion
Making her way back home, making her way back home
Mother of mercy, mother of sight, she flies on strange winds
she was the darkness
she moves through the door
Dreaming in blue, making her way back home Winds, that looked for the light
She flies on strange winds, flies on strange winds Strange, she flies on strange winds
Lost in confusion, she was a secret Strange, dreaming in blue
Making her way back home, she flies on strange winds
Dreaming in blue, living in shame, waiting in shadows
On strange winds, she moves through the door
She flies on strange winds, losing my days, making her way back home
She moves through the door, she moves through the door Orchid, making her way back home
She was the darkness, making her way back home
Moves through the door, she was the darkness
making her way back home
She flies on strange winds, moves through the door Strange, she flies on strange winds
She moves through the door, waiting in shadows Winds, she moves through the door
Dreaming in blue, waiting in shadows, holding the sun
On strange winds, on strange winds Winds, flies on strange winds
On strange winds, waiting in shadows, shelter beside me
Making her way back home, that looked for the light
That looked for the light, she flies on strange winds
On strange winds, sleeping in silence Winds, she flies on strange winds
Mother of mercy, moves through the door Strange, she was the darkness
waiting in shadows
Making her way back home, on strange winds
Holding the sun, on strange winds