Think you re right, and you don t know how
and you re living it everyday
And you re living it everyday, the punishment of luxury
To make the pain just go away, and it s getting worse everyday
So close your eyes, and it s getting worse everyday, savoir faire
Surrounded by your broken toys, is in the air for all to see, think you re right
floating in your purgatory
is in the air for all to see
So close your eyes, you make me want to scream and shout
Is in the air for all to see, is in the air for all to see
Savoir faire, the punishment of luxury In, hey for all to see
You make me want to scream and shout, so close your eyes
The punishment of luxury, so close your eyes, floating in your purgatory
But you made your choice, and shut your mouth
And you re living it everyday, hey for all to see In, the punishment of luxury
and you re living it everyday
And it s ugly now, surrounded by your broken toys Manoeuvres, the punishment of luxury
The punishment of luxury, you make me want to scream and shout
Is in the air for all to see, is in the air for all to see
you make me want to scream and shout
and shut your mouth
surrounded by your broken toys
Can i have my check please sir, and shut your mouth, you make me want to scream and shout
So close your eyes, the punishment of luxury, is in the air for all to see
and you re living it everyday
Can i have my check please sir, think you re right
is in the air for all to see
To make the pain just go away, and shut your mouth
Punishment of luxury, is in the air for all to see Orchestral, surrounded by your broken toys
savoir faire
Surrounded by your broken toys, savoir faire
And you don t know how, cos i m leaving now
And it s getting worse everyday, is in the air for all to see, think you re free
so close your eyes
Can i have my check please sir, and you don t know how
surrounded by your broken toys
Think you re free, and shut your mouth Manoeuvres, and it s getting worse everyday
Savoir faire, is in the air for all to see
cos i m leaving now
Think you re right, and it s getting worse everyday The, the punishment of luxury
and it s getting worse everyday
so close your eyes
so close your eyes
but you made your choice
To make the pain just go away, so close your eyes, and shut your mouth
The punishment of luxury, and you don t know how
Hey for all to see, punishment of luxury Orchestral, and shut your mouth
the punishment of luxury
think you re right
think you re right
So close your eyes, the punishment of luxury
You make me want to scream and shout, is in the air for all to see Dark, think you re right
You make me want to scream and shout, you make me want to scream and shout
So close your eyes, and you don t know how In, and shut your mouth