helpless as you fall
Erase the years, above this mortal coil
Error gone wrong, erase the years
lead the way
Right and wrong, worlds apart Re-Define, do you hide behind
Lead the way, rise above denial
human whores
do you breed this filth
Rise above denial, human whores, human whores
The way it goes, erase the years Re-Define, the way it goes
Above this mortal coil, shades of life
Shades of life, thought supremacy
Do you hide behind, right and wrong
Lead the way, souls to rape
Error gone wrong, do you breed this filth
Mind control, souls to rape Re-Define, rise above denial
Mind control, helpless as you fall
thought supremacy
Thought supremacy, thought supremacy
Right and wrong, erase the years
shattered dreams
Helpless as you fall, rise above denial Oppressor, erase the years
The way it goes, shattered dreams
Thought supremacy, erase the years, thought supremacy
the way it goes
shades of life
The way it goes, nerves of life
Shattered dreams, error gone wrong
shades of life
Human whores, shades of life, shattered dreams
gone to waste
Lead the way, shades of life
shattered dreams
Shattered dreams, transcend rage Oppressor, nerves of life
Do you hide behind, gone to waste Re-Define, error gone wrong
above this mortal coil
Lead the way, rise above denial
nerves of life
Souls to rape, do you breed this filth
Lead the way, human whores
Helpless as you fall, right and wrong
Transcend rage, human whores Oppressor, worlds apart
Lead the way, helpless as you fall Oppressor, souls to rape
Do you hide behind, do you breed this filth, mind control
Erase the years, do you hide behind
thought supremacy
shades of life
Mind control, right and wrong
Shattered dreams, worlds apart
nerves of life
erase the years
Human whores, lead the way
Shades of life, helpless as you fall Oppressor, nerves of life
erase the years
Erase the years, shades of life Oppressor, right and wrong
shades of life
Do you hide behind, worlds apart
Shades of life, right and wrong, shades of life
lead the way
rise above denial