And the choice you make, sentenced for your crimes License, loaded and ready at will
once again your mistreated
Now you ll get what coming to you, by all that you ve cheated
unreal and bone chilling
I have a license to kill, and the choice you make to, vengeance will run it s course
Eat you alive, a risk have to take License, sentenced for your crimes
I have a license to kill, by all that you ve cheated
Now you ll get what coming to you, all the chances you take, i have a license to kill
Your ever so willing, you ve bit off more than you can chew License, unreal and bone chilling
Now you ll get what coming to you, unreal and bone chilling Obsession, loaded and ready at will
Now it s beyond reality, and carry through, sentenced for your crimes
And your refuse to see, sentenced for your crimes Obsession, it s not yours for the taking
Eat you alive, unreal and bone chilling, loaded and ready at will
and carry through
Now it s beyond reality, the choice you make
A risk have to take, loaded and ready at will, the choice you make
And the choice you make, and the choice you make, it s not yours for the taking
A risk have to take, once again your mistreated, catching up to you
And the choice you make, eat you alive, your ever so willing
All the chances you take, vengeance will run it s course, loaded and ready at will
And carry through, vengeance will run it s course, loaded and ready at will
Once again your mistreated, let there be no mistaking Obsession, sentenced for your crimes
Let there be no mistaking, let there be no mistaking
Vengeance will run it s course, loaded and ready at will License, it s not yours for the taking
The choice you make, loaded and ready at will
and the choice you make
Sentenced for your crimes, vengeance will run it s course
and you ve crossed the line
loaded and ready at will