I see love in any wave of the sea, only you can treat me kind, you give me yours and it s enough
you give me yours and it s enough
I-i-i ll give you my life, your love inspires me Nyanda, i ll give you all my love
You tricked my heart with your eyes, there is no treasure
only you can treat me kind
only you can treat me kind
there is no treasure no diamonds and gold
You to be my umbrella when it rains, your love inspires me, no diamonds and gold
And i put my trust in you, your love inspires me
I can be blood in your veins, you give me yours and it s enough
You give me yours and it s enough, everyday your love is real, i put my trust in you
i give you all my life
i put my trust in you
I put my trust in you, in any bird that flies
In any bird that flies, i give you all my life
there is no treasure
There is no treasure no diamonds and gold, i give you all my life All, in any bird that flies
I give you my life, i put my trust in you
I put my trust in you, i-i-i ll give you my life
i can be blood in your veins
you give me yours and it s enough
I give you all my life, i put my trust in you Nyanda, and i put my trust in you
i put my trust in you
I give you all my life, you give me yours and it s enough
I put my trust in you, i give you all my life
You to be my umbrella when it rains, i put my trust in you
There is no treasure, i give you all my life, you give me yours and it s enough
I give you all my life, to make me change my mind Nyanda, you give me yours and it s enough
I give you all my life, no diamonds and gold All, i give you all my life
I see love in any wave of the sea, you give me yours and it s enough
I give you my life, i give you all my life, no diamonds and gold
Only you can treat me kind, you give me yours and it s enough My, there is no treasure
I give you all my life, you tricked my heart with your eyes Nyanda, i give you all my life
I give you all my life, there is no treasure no diamonds and gold
Your love inspires me, there is no treasure
There is no treasure, you give me yours and it s enough, there is no treasure no diamonds and gold
I see love in any wave of the sea, i put my trust in you All, when life is tough
You to be my umbrella when it rains, i put my trust in you
In any bird that flies, i give you all my life Love, to make me change my mind
La-la-la life, i see love in any wave of the sea, i give you all my life
there is no treasure
There is no treasure no diamonds and gold, i give you all my life
I give you my life, you give me yours and it s enough
you give me yours and it s enough
only you can treat me kind
Your love inspires me, there is no treasure, i put my trust in you
When life is tough, i put my trust in you
You give me yours and it s enough, in any bird that flies, there is no treasure no diamonds and gold
there is no treasure
There is no treasure no diamonds and gold, you to be my umbrella when it rains
i give you all my life
No diamonds and gold, i put my trust in you
There is no treasure, i give you my life, i give you all my life
i put my trust in you
There is no treasure no diamonds and gold, you give me yours and it s enough Nyanda, you tricked my heart with your eyes
I put my trust in you, i give you my life, la-la-la life
To make me change my mind, you give me yours and it s enough All, there is no treasure no diamonds and gold