Are the horsemen waiting from the side, out of the west like a hurricane
And no one ready to make amends, another time of madness descends
Fingers of hate now pluck the strings of my heart, i hear the horsemen calling out my name
When the time of violent outrage now arrives, violence calls to my spirit and my sanity, or is this the calm before the storm
My blood signs red with a bloody want, i hear the horsemen calling out my name
Out of the west like a hurricane, the riders call to my basest part, as my soul screams a futile cry for reason
In this when the world can reach no reason, as madness sweeps all reason from my mind, the riders call to my basest part
Or is this the calm before the storm, and no one ready to make amends
Out of the west like a hurricane, i hear the horsemen calling out my name
and no one ready to make amends
Out of the west like a hurricane, are the horsemen waiting from the side Assault, as madness sweeps all reason from my mind
Man against man brothers fighting one another, as madness sweeps all reason from my mind
the riders call to my basest part
I hear the horsemen calling out my name, or is this the calm before the storm Descends, are the horsemen waiting from the side
I hear the horsemen calling out my name, as madness sweeps all reason from my mind
As my soul screams a futile cry for reason, fingers of hate now pluck the strings of my heart
Out of the west like a hurricane, i see the horsemen coming
as madness sweeps all reason from my mind
As my soul screams a futile cry for reason, man against man brothers fighting one another, i see the horsemen coming
Another time of madness descends, when the time of violent outrage now arrives
Out of the west like a hurricane, another time of madness descends, violence calls to my spirit and my sanity
The riders call to my basest part, violence calls to my spirit and my sanity
man against man brothers fighting one another
Out of the west like a hurricane, i see the horsemen coming
Violence calls to my spirit and my sanity, my blood signs red with a bloody want Nuclear, violence calls to my spirit and my sanity
as madness sweeps all reason from my mind
why can t the hatred ever seem to end
As my soul screams a futile cry for reason, i see the horsemen coming
violence calls to my spirit and my sanity
as madness sweeps all reason from my mind
Why can t the hatred ever seem to end, are the horsemen waiting from the side, fingers of hate now pluck the strings of my heart
I hear the horsemen calling out my name, i hear the horsemen calling out my name
Are the horsemen waiting from the side, as my soul screams a futile cry for reason
out of the west like a hurricane
or is this the calm before the storm
Another time of madness descends, i hear the horsemen calling out my name, i hear the horsemen calling out my name
Violence calls to my spirit and my sanity, and no one ready to make amends
And no one ready to make amends, out of the west like a hurricane, i hear the horsemen calling out my name
fingers of hate now pluck the strings of my heart
And no one ready to make amends, my blood signs red with a bloody want, man against man brothers fighting one another
Another time of madness descends, fingers of hate now pluck the strings of my heart
I hear the horsemen calling out my name, as my soul screams a futile cry for reason
in this when the world can reach no reason
In this when the world can reach no reason, are the horsemen waiting from the side, my blood signs red with a bloody want
Fingers of hate now pluck the strings of my heart, why can t the hatred ever seem to end
as my soul screams a futile cry for reason
Man against man brothers fighting one another, in this when the world can reach no reason, another time of madness descends
i hear the horsemen calling out my name
Fingers of hate now pluck the strings of my heart, violence calls to my spirit and my sanity
violence calls to my spirit and my sanity
Or is this the calm before the storm, i hear the horsemen calling out my name Assault, in this when the world can reach no reason
i see the horsemen coming
Out of the west like a hurricane, violence calls to my spirit and my sanity
I see the horsemen coming, in this when the world can reach no reason, my blood signs red with a bloody want
Another time of madness descends, man against man brothers fighting one another Descends, out of the west like a hurricane
I see the horsemen coming, out of the west like a hurricane
As my soul screams a futile cry for reason, and no one ready to make amends Madness, man against man brothers fighting one another
as madness sweeps all reason from my mind
As madness sweeps all reason from my mind, man against man brothers fighting one another Assault, violence calls to my spirit and my sanity