I can imagine her too clearly/ the girl you held so dearly/ never thought I was
that kind/
nothing to hide behind/ I reach reach reach/ you’re far far far away/ like an
apple on a
branch/ and I shake shake shake
And I can’t tell you/ my heart flies just like a worried bird/ and you can’t
find me/ and
that feeling only makes it worse/ and I can’t tell you/ my heart flies just
like a worried
bird/ and if this falls through/ I might not find my way again
Stop, stop, stop looking away (repeat)
I’m so afraid you’ll leave me/ that I’m convinced you will/ just once you’ve
had your fill/
and it’s complicated/ knowing things will fail/ I can’t learn to be alone/ or
on my own
And I can’t tell you/ my heart flies just like a worried bird/ and you can’t
find me/ and
that feeling only makes it worse/ and I can’t tell you/ my heart flies just
like a worried
bird/ and if this falls through/ I might not find my way again
Stop, stop, stop looking away (repeat)