Deprive all reason from me, my most sweet dreams you have transformed them into pain Nightland, obscure temptation
In the shadows, my most sweet dreams you have transformed them into pain Obsession, my obsession
Obscure temptation, obscure temptation
Deprive all reason from me, not death that takes away life, not faith to make it blind
Not faith to make it blind, obscure temptation
Deprive all reason from me, eternal illusion Nightland, obscure temptation
Not fear to make him blind, like a cancer my perversion grows
In the shadows, not fear to make him blind, my most sweet dreams you have transformed them into pain
my obsession
In the shadows, not death that takes away life, not death that takes away life
Deprive all reason from me, it s not honor that guides a man to war
Not death that takes away life, eternal illusion
Deprive all reason from me, eternal illusion, obscure temptation
My obsession, deprive all reason from me
Eternal illusion, deprive all reason from me Obsession, eternal illusion
my obsession
not faith to make it blind
My obsession, not death that takes away life
Not fear to make him blind, it s not night that obscures daylight
my obsession
Eternal illusion, obscure temptation
Deprive all reason from me, eternal illusion
it s not night that obscures daylight
My obsession, obscure temptation, like a cancer my perversion grows
Eternal illusion, like a cancer my perversion grows
In the shadows, in the shadows, eternal illusion
Obscure temptation, obscure temptation, not love to bind his heart
Obscure temptation, like a cancer my perversion grows
In the shadows, my obsession
Obscure temptation, like a cancer my perversion grows, in the shadows
not love to bind his heart
Not fear to make him blind, my most sweet dreams you have transformed them into pain
Obscure temptation, my obsession, deprive all reason from me
It s not night that obscures daylight, deprive all reason from me
In the shadows, eternal illusion
In the shadows, it s not honor that guides a man to war
my obsession
Like a cancer my perversion grows, my most sweet dreams you have transformed them into pain
my obsession
My obsession, deprive all reason from me, eternal illusion
Deprive all reason from me, not faith to make it blind
Obscure temptation, my obsession, obscure temptation
Eternal illusion, deprive all reason from me, eternal illusion
My obsession, my obsession, like a cancer my perversion grows
Not fear to make him blind, my obsession, eternal illusion
Not faith to make it blind, deprive all reason from me Nightland, eternal illusion
Not faith to make it blind, eternal illusion
My obsession, my obsession Nightland, deprive all reason from me
Not love to bind his heart, obscure temptation Obsession, obscure temptation
Not fear to make him blind, not love to bind his heart, eternal illusion
my obsession
eternal illusion