I ll give you my love, it s gonna be a lonely night, if you want you can save me and take me through your soul
I ll give you my love, it s gonna be a lonely night, i ll give you my love
How i struggle inside and i feel my heart explode, it s so hard to go on when you re not with me feeling a fight Passion, how i struggle inside and i feel my heart explode
it s gonna be a lonely night
tears in my eyes
late in the night
Living my life, living my life, it s so hard to go on when you re not with me feeling a fight
Living my life, how i struggle inside and i feel my heart explode
I pray all the night, it s gonna be a lonely night
Tears in my eyes, tears in my eyes
I pray all the night, tears in my eyes Passion, to leave a love
Late in the night, i need a passion
I ll give you my love, when i m lying alone in the dark without you
I pray all the night, i pray all the night
I need a passion, giving my life
I ll give you my love, it s my time to breakout and my dreams are over, i need a passion
How i struggle inside and i feel my heart explode, how i struggle inside and i feel my heart explode
i ll give you my love
to leave a love
I ll give you my love, my life without a passion
I pray all the night, tears in my eyes, my life without a passion
If you want you can save me and take me through your soul, it s my time to breakout and my dreams are over
i need a passion
it s so hard to go on when you re not with me feeling a fight
I ll give you my love, i pray all the night, giving my life
when i m lying alone in the dark without you
Living my life, how i struggle inside and i feel my heart explode
Giving my life, late in the night
To leave a love, when i feel that certain power Passion, i ll give you my love
my life without a passion
and i m crying a river that leads right to your door
If you want you can save me and take me through your soul, it s so hard to go on when you re not with me feeling a fight, i ve lost my sight
when i m lying alone in the dark without you
it s so hard to go on when you re not with me feeling a fight
To leave a love, tears in my eyes Netzwerk, when i m lying alone in the dark without you
I need a passion, i need a passion
Tears in my eyes, if you want you can save me and take me through your soul Passion, i ll give you my love
i ll give you my love
If you want you can save me and take me through your soul, i ll give you my love
How i struggle inside and i feel my heart explode, i need a passion Netzwerk, i need a passion
i ve lost my sight
Tears in my eyes, living my life Netzwerk, i ll give you my love
i need a passion
living my life
My life without a passion, i ll give you my love Netzwerk, giving my life
Tears in my eyes, and i m crying a river that leads right to your door
how i struggle inside and i feel my heart explode
it s my time to breakout and my dreams are over
It s my time to breakout and my dreams are over, tears in my eyes Netzwerk, tears in my eyes
I ll give you my love, when i feel that certain power
It s so hard to go on when you re not with me feeling a fight, to leave a love Passion, late in the night
it s gonna be a lonely night
my life without a passion
i need a passion
And i m crying a river that leads right to your door, i pray all the night, i ll give you my love