Confess before jezus, throw it away Cancer, the name jezus has authority and in it is the power of the holy ghost
throw it away
Throw it away, destroy it all
destroy it all
It ll teach you nothing, do something for yourself
Throw it away, throw it away Nailbomb, confess before jezus
Throw it away, throw it away Religious, so blind if you pray
that name is batched by heaven s power
That name is batched by heaven s power, destroy it all Nailbomb, take the belief and throw it away
the church and all it s glory
Is draining all your money, confess before jezus
throw it away
The church and all it s glory, throw it away, the word of god knows more than you do
so blind if you pray
Throw it away, throw it away
Throw it away, take the belief and throw it away
Do something for yourself, throw it away
Throw it away, confess before jezus, throw it away
throw it away
throw it away
Throw it away, destroy it all, throw it away
throw it away
Throw it away, throw it away
The word of god knows more than you do, throw it away
throw it away
Throw it away, throw it away, throw it away
The church and all it s glory, throw it away
throw it away
Throw it away, the word of god knows more than you do
Destroy it all, throw it away, destroy it all
throw it away
throw it away
Throw it away, the word of god knows more than you do
About the world today, that name is batched by heaven s power
the word of god knows more than you do
It ll teach you nothing, the church and all it s glory, throw it away
the word of god knows more than you do
Throw it away, that name is batched by heaven s power Nailbomb, throw it away
Take the belief and throw it away, throw it away, throw it away
Do something for yourself, the word of god knows more than you do, do something for yourself
the word of god knows more than you do
Throw it away, throw it away, throw it away
throw it away
Throw it away, throw it away, confess before jezus
Destroy it all, about the world today, throw it away
Destroy it all, throw it away
Take the belief and throw it away, the church and all it s glory Religious, take the belief and throw it away
throw it away
Throw it away, throw it away, the name jezus has authority and in it is the power of the holy ghost
Throw it away, take the belief and throw it away
Confess before jezus, that name is batched by heaven s power
It ll teach you nothing, throw it away
Throw it away, throw it away
is draining all your money
Throw it away, confess before jezus