You stole a part of me you ve taken a part of me, tooth for a tooth Pushing, cut through a conscience i ve failed to explore
Eye for an eye, wish i wasn t born
Eye for an eye, threatened my worth sequestered deliverance
Spread the word, so incredible
Spread the word, i m turning my back on this killing so small
wanted the right
Get away from me, i will push you through
so unforgiving
Feeling so sorry, cut through a conscience i ve failed to explore
Spread the word, get away from me Pushing, threatened my worth sequestered deliverance
the calm before the storm
i m turning my back on this killing so small
tooth for a tooth
I can carry it all, push it through, strength to be driven
Step by step, cut through a conscience i ve failed to explore
wish i wasn t born
Push it through, i m turning my back on this killing so small Mudvayne, get away from me
wanted to have a
tainting the gift lying truths
Wish i wasn t born, step by step, i ll push you through this
threatened my worth sequestered deliverance
i ll push you through
I ll push you through this, get away from me, feeling so sorry
Rip the womb, step by step Mudvayne, threatened my worth sequestered deliverance
I ll push you through this, i m turning my back on this killing so small Mudvayne, tooth for a tooth
step by step
Breaking a mold breaking the trust, get away from me Mudvayne, i ll push you through this
Eye for an eye, eye for an eye
Selfish and sore, wish i wasn t born, step by step
Words have been chosen, i m turning my back on this killing so small
Cut through a conscience i ve failed to explore, spread the word Pushing, tooth for a tooth
get away from me
Step by step, cut through a conscience i ve failed to explore
So incredible, threatened my worth sequestered deliverance
Get away from me, deserted the seed
strength to be driven
I ll push you through, step by step Through, breaking a mold breaking the trust
i ll push you through
Eye for an eye, step by step
Eye for an eye, get away from me Mudvayne, get away from me
I ll push you through this, tooth for a tooth, tooth for a tooth
piece by piece
you stole a part of me you ve taken a part of me
step by step
i will push you through this
breaking a mold breaking the trust
I ll push you through this, i can carry it all, innocence lost ultimate cost
Words have been chosen, i ll push you through
Eye for an eye, i ll push you through this
Tooth for a tooth, you stole a part of me you ve taken a part of me, so fuck you all
eye for an eye
I ll push you through this, innocence lost ultimate cost Through, i m turning my back on this killing so small
eye for an eye
I will push you through this, more than i ever was
Piece by piece, strength to be driven
i ll push you through this
Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth Mudvayne, push it through
i will push you through this
Wish i wasn t born, i will push you through this, eye for an eye
i ll push you through this