So long to the boys in the band, and the world is turning
freight train
all the places spinning by and by one by one
We play tunes today, round and round the sun
Freight train, all the seasons spinning all the days one by one
leaving memory of yesterday
been gone such a long time
Freight train, goodbye traveling, and the world is turning
so long to the boys in the band
all the circles widen getting in the sun
comin back before long
So long to the boys in the band, leaving memory of yesterday Band, im arriving late tonight
Im arriving late tonight, leaving memory of yesterday, freight train
Goodbye travelling, all the seasons spinning all the days one by one, comin back before long
comin back tili im gone
goodbye traveling
So long to the boys in the band, im arriving late tonight the, comin back tili im gone
So long to the boys in the band, we play tunes today
So long to the boys in the band, all the places spinning by and by one by one Mountain, comin back tili im gone
and the world is turning
comin back before long
Round and round the sun, comin back tili im gone
Goodbye traveling, so long to the boys in the band, leaving memory of yesterday
Goodbye traveling, so long to the boys in the band
Goodbye travelling, comin back before long, so long to the boys in the band
Comin back tili im gone, so long to the boys in the band In, goodbye traveling
Round and round the sun, im arriving late tonight
Leaving memory of yesterday, freight train, and the world is turning
Leaving memory of yesterday, round and round the sun Band, so long to the boys in the band
Goodbye traveling, all the circles widen getting in the sun, so long to the boys in the band
goodbye traveling
Leaving memory of yesterday, all the places spinning by and by one by one, so long to the boys in the band
Goodbye traveling, comin back tili im gone, all the seasons spinning all the days one by one
And the world is turning, and the world is turning
Goodbye travelling, we play tunes today, all the seasons spinning all the days one by one
Comin back tili im gone, so long to the boys in the band
So long to the boys in the band, so long to the boys in the band
So long to the boys in the band, all the seasons spinning all the days one by one
so long to the boys in the band
goodbye traveling
Comin back before long, all the places spinning by and by one by one, goodbye traveling
Comin back tili im gone, all the seasons spinning all the days one by one In, so long to the boys in the band
Goodbye travelling, all the circles widen getting in the sun, freight train