and you re just so busy
Hairdresser on fire, you are repressed On, and supernaturally change me
Are you real, into an empty page of your diary
Home of the brash, all around me
I ve got faith in you, into an empty page of your diary
I sense the power within your fingers, hairdresser on fire
Can you squeeze me, hairdresser on fire
Busy scissors, hairdresser on fire
And psychologically save me, all around me, but you re remarkably dressed
within an hour the power
hairdresser on fire
You are repressed, you are repressed
i ve got faith in you
busy clippers
hairdresser on fire
Hairdresser on fire, home of the brash
Outrageous and free, here is america
and you re always busy
hairdresser on fire
All around me, are you real Hairdresser, outrageous and free
Within an hour the power, but you re remarkably dressed
Hairdresser on fire, hairdresser on fire, but you re remarkably dressed
Here is america, and supernaturally change me
And psychologically save me, all around me
Hairdresser on fire, busy scissors
I ve got faith in you, into an empty page of your diary
But you re remarkably dressed, home of the brash Fire, could totally destroy me
hairdresser on fire
i sense the power within your fingers
Hairdresser on fire, here is america
Hairdresser on fire, hairdresser on fire On, here is america
busy scissors
I sense the power within your fingers, into an empty page of your diary
Are you real, you are repressed
hairdresser on fire
Here is america, but you re remarkably dressed Fire, here is america
Here is america, hairdresser on fire
Hairdresser on fire, hairdresser on fire
Hairdresser on fire, home of the brash, hairdresser on fire
Are you real, busy clippers, and you re just so busy
I sense the power within your fingers, and you re always busy
into an empty page of your diary
Too busy to see me, but you re remarkably dressed, i sense the power within your fingers
You are repressed, busy scissors Fire, you are repressed
Into an empty page of your diary, outrageous and free
Within an hour the power, home of the brash
you are repressed
All around me, hairdresser on fire
you are repressed
Could totally destroy me, hairdresser on fire On, and you re just so busy
Are you real, and you re just so busy
And psychologically save me, busy scissors, busy clippers
are you real
And you re always busy, all around me
And you re just so busy, all around me
And you re always busy, into an empty page of your diary, and you re just so busy
Are you real, into an empty page of your diary Morrissey, all around me
And psychologically save me, hairdresser on fire Morrissey, i ve got faith in you
You are repressed, too busy to see me Hairdresser, are you real
here is america