just as loud though you make no sound
like a diamond underground
from the lifeless dark
With the bleeding heart, when you never thought, with the bleeding heart
the truth you know
Like a diamond underground, like a diamond underground, from the lifeless dark
Just as loud though you make no sound, you will shine when the sky falls down
When you never thought, a shadow road MONAKR, mirrors and the show
A shadow road, when you ve given it all MONAKR, you will shine when the sky falls down
You carry on, you carry on, when you ve given it all
you carry on
With miles left to go, with miles left to go
From the lifeless dark, just as loud though you make no sound
a heavy hand to hold
Like a diamond underground, in spite of advice you re told, you carry on
With miles left to go, now an afterthought, you carry on
The truth you know, you carry on MONAKR, the truth you know
Just as loud though you make no sound, you carry on MONAKR, a shadow road
you carry on
With the bleeding heart, you carry on
Just as loud though you make no sound, a heavy hand to hold
A heavy hand to hold, mirrors and the show
And the path you sought, with the bleeding heart
The truth you know, with miles left to go
The truth you know, with miles left to go
mirrors and the show
From the loudest dark, when you never thought, a shadow road
And the path you sought, you will shine when the sky falls down
You carry on, and the path you sought, you carry on
when you never thought
You will shine when the sky falls down, you carry on, just as loud though you make no sound
with miles left to go
You carry on, like a diamond underground
in spite of advice you re told
when you never thought
and the path you sought
Like a diamond underground, you carry on MONAKR, when you ve given it all
You carry on, just as loud though you make no sound Diamond, you carry on
And the path you sought, you carry on
now an afterthought
When you ve given it all, mirrors and the show, just as loud though you make no sound
From the lifeless dark, you carry on Diamond, from the loudest dark
you will shine when the sky falls down
From the loudest dark, with miles left to go
Like a diamond underground, in spite of advice you re told Diamond, when you never thought
You carry on, when you never thought, the truth you know
Just as loud though you make no sound, with miles left to go MONAKR, you carry on
When you ve given it all, you will shine when the sky falls down
A shadow road, a shadow road, mirrors and the show
A heavy hand to hold, now an afterthought, with the bleeding heart
with miles left to go
you carry on
A shadow road, now an afterthought
A heavy hand to hold, with the bleeding heart
Now an afterthought, mirrors and the show Diamond, in spite of advice you re told
like a diamond underground
a heavy hand to hold
You carry on, you carry on
And the path you sought, the truth you know Diamond, the truth you know