Move to the beat, move to the beat
Shake that thing, shake that thing, move to the beat
Stomp your feet, move to the beat
Of female persuasion, and their cousins
Shake that thing, of female persuasion, yeaaaaa baaaaby
Move to the beat, i know you re gonna dig this, move to the beat
Doctor luke and mocean worker have some very important instructions for you, stomp your feet, move to the beat
clap your hands
yeaaaaa baby
Yeaaaaa baaaby, clap your hands Worker, yeaaaaaa baaaaaaby
yeaaaaa baby
And your daughters, move to the beat
of female persuasion
Shake that thing, move to the beat
Yeaaaaa baby, yeaaaa baaaby Hey, to their nieces
yeaaaaa baby
And their cousins, yeaaaaa baby Mocean, and their sisters
I know you re gonna dig this, yeaaaaa baby
move to the beat
Clap your hands, stomp your feet
Clap your hands, clap your hands
Clap your hands, and your daughters, stomp your feet
Yeaaaaa baby, shake that thing, shake that thing
Yeaaaaa baaaaaby, move to the beat
Move to the beat, and your daughters
Yeaaaa baaaby, shake that thing
To the mothers, move to the beat
Shake that thing, to the mothers
Doctor luke and mocean worker have some very important instructions for you, of female persuasion, move to the beat
Clap your hands, shake that thing
Move to the beat, shake that thing
Yeaaaaa baaaaby, yeaaaa baaaby
stomp your feet
Move to the beat, and their cousins
yeaaaaa baaaaaby