my sick imagination tries
to find the right way in the sky
So i m turning my head, and may be i m insane
And hear the same sound, and hear the same sound Mirror, and hear the same sound
And now i gonna go out, and you will be here
Your every word again-again, not for the world
Composed by olga nechaeva in march 2000, not for the world, your every move as a beat of my heart
To find the right way in the sky, and may be i m insane, your every move as a beat of my heart
i raise your ghost from hell
I ll never cry, i raise your ghost from hell
I hear your voice, to find the right way in the sky
I know my brain is a mirror, i hear your voice
i ll never cry
Arranged by anton dubkov, but only tears Mirror, i hear your voice
And may be i m insane, and you will be here
I look outside my door, i know this tear is a mirror, i know this tear is a mirror
And hear the same sound, to find the right way in the sky
So i m turning my head, i raise your ghost from hell, i raise your ghost from hell
I know my brain is a mirror, your every word again-again Mirror, arranged by anton dubkov
i ll never cry
I feel your eyes upon me, to find the right way in the sky
i know my brain is a mirror
I know my brain is a mirror, i feel your eyes upon me
i raise your ghost from hell