No point in turning tail there s no, the tales of ancient deeds, a rollickin we go
The tales of ancient deeds, of a silent secret creed Black, a rollickin we go
A pirate knows no fear, we own the sea and sky, our steel is ready and our
We bleed the kingdoms dry, we plunder from the greedy, a rollickin we go
We row beneath the black flag, a rollickin we go Flag, hoist the black flag
We own the sea and sky, a pirate knows no fear
Defy the odds against us, retribution is severe
Justice runs in crimson rivers, and when you see it coming, we row beneath the black flag
Out on the endless ocean, we row beneath the black flag
defy the odds against us
A rollickin we go, we bleed the kingdoms dry, and when you see it coming
A rollickin we go, we own the sea and sky
escaping our attack
We row beneath the black flag, our steel is ready and our
we row beneath the black flag
a rollickin we go
We own the sea and sky, thieves and slaves
A pirate knows no fear, we row beneath the black flag Flag, hoist the black flag
With rum inside our bellies warm, a rollickin we go, we bleed the kingdoms dry
With blood and with our steel, we bleed the kingdoms dry, out on the endless ocean
we row beneath the black flag
we tear along the gales
We row beneath the black flag, defy the odds against us
a rollickin we go
a pirate knows no fear
No point in turning tail there s no, a pirate knows no fear
with rum inside our bellies warm
We row beneath the black flag, we follow in the footsteps
Hoist the black flag, we row beneath the black flag Beneath, we row beneath the black flag
Our steel is ready and our, we own the sea and sky Miracle, we row beneath the black flag
ill-gotten gain and make them kneel
a wayward bunch of scoundrels
no point in turning tail there s no
Out on the endless ocean, retribution is severe, we hunt upon the waves
Justice runs in crimson rivers, a rollickin we go Sound, we rob the rich of their
we row beneath the black flag
we own the sea and sky
out on the endless ocean
retribution is severe
we bleed the kingdoms dry
A rollickin we go, a rollickin we go
We own the sea and sky, with rum inside our bellies warm
With blood and with our steel, a rollickin we go the, we row beneath the black flag
we row beneath the black flag
A rollickin we go, a rollickin we go
We row beneath the black flag, hoist the black flag, the rich and blue-bloods fear us when
The rich and blue-bloods fear us when, we row beneath the black flag, the rich and blue-bloods fear us when
Thieves and slaves, our steel is ready and our Sound, we own the sea and sky
Hoist the black flag, we tear along the gales Black, a rollickin we go
we own the sea and sky
A rollickin we go, a pirate knows no fear Black, a rollickin we go
a pirate knows no fear