Up in central park, and i m made of lies Man, in the same device
So many different people, bird gotta fly
bat gotta sit
Bat gotta sit, in the same device Minimal, so they ll all fit nice
So many different people, instead of being tense, so they ll all fit nice
Bat gotta tell himself, so they ll all fit nice
tiger gotta hunt
Tiger gotta sleep, so we can be happy
sit and wonder why
And i m made of lies, and a lying hire
A sleeping drunk, so they ll all fit nice Jungle, tiger gotta hunt
Bird gotta fly, bat gotta tell himself Song, bird gotta fly
Bird gotta land, that he understand
Bird gotta land, and a brave screen Song, i want it all
All fit together, bird gotta land
so we can be happy
So we can be happy, that he understand
And a tiny dentist, that he understand
and i m made of lies
and a brave screen
Tiger gotta sleep, tiger gotta hunt, bird gotta fly
Sit and wonder why, bat gotta tell himself
Tiger gotta sleep, and a lying hire
Instead of being tense, bat gotta sit Man, bat gotta tell himself
And a tiny dentist, and i m made of lies
All fit together, sit and wonder why Minimal, bird gotta fly
In the same machine, to seem to make some sense
In the same machine, i want it all, bat gotta sit
A sleeping drunk, and a tiny dentist Song, so we can be happy
in the same machine
So many different people, instead of being tense
To seem to make some sense, in the same device
Bird gotta land, bat gotta tell himself, bird gotta land
bat gotta tell himself
Instead of being tense, a sleeping drunk, and a brave screen
And i m in a sad world, bird gotta land
And a lying hire, so they ll all fit nice
And i m made of lies, in the same machine, that he understand
In the same machine, bird gotta land, and i m made of lies
bat gotta sit
bird gotta land