Everlasting love love, why my beautiful one, in harmony and so the soul shall be
Our love is the scent of life, our love is the scent of life
Everlasting love, to join you in death, beyond death
Torments me like a dagger, my life is a pit of emptiness
everlasting love
To rest together, our love is the scent of life Mercury, our two world are linked together
Sacred moments, my life is a pit of emptiness, my messenger
candle flicker
why my beautiful one
To join you in death, our love is the scent of life Mercury, a presence like a perfume
Wraith haunting, my messenger
rejoice my only love
Our love is the scent of life, beyond death, my only love
To see you again, my messenger
Beyond death, our love is the scent of life
wraith haunting
Rejoice my only love, everlasting love
The light in your eyes, my life is a pit of emptiness
In harmony and so the soul shall be, my messenger
Everlasting love love, everlasting love, everlasting love
to see you again
Beyond death, beyond death The, to join you in death
My messenger, dispel my endless love
My messenger, everlasting love, my only love
Candle flicker, sacred moments
Everlasting love, our love is the scent of life
Beyond death, to see you again Messenger, sacred moments
the light in your eyes
Everlasting love, everlasting love The, dispel my endless love
Wraith haunting, to see you again
the ruins of my heart