count your blessings
It s time to reflect, it s time to reflect
Count your blessings, count your blessings
Count your blessings, i bet you have
Count your blessings, nd have no regret have no regret Gets, and double your bet
This could be as good as it gets, count your blessings
and double your bet double your bet
Ladies and gentlemans, nd have no regret
count your blessings
it s time to reflect
nd have no regret have no regret
Count your blessings, it s time to reflect
Nd have no regret, have you been having a good time tonight
this could be as good as it gets
This could be as good as it gets, sieze the moment, day s are dull but your glass is half full
This could be as good as it gets, give it to me, nd have no regret have no regret
Nd have no regret, this could be as good as it gets
count your blessings
it s time to reflect
And double your bet double your bet, count your blessings Gets, sieze the moment
This could be as good as it gets, sieze the moment
Nd have no regret have no regret, this could be as good as it gets, we re in the land of plenty where your glass is never empty
Count your blessings, give it to me
And double your bet double your bet, nd have no regret have no regret, your day s kind of dull
This could be as good as it gets, it s time to reflect, sieze the moment
this could be as good as it gets
I bet you have, count your blessings
it s time to reflect
this could be as good as it gets
gotta love those fags
nd have no regret have no regret
And double your bet double your bet, it s time to reflect, this could be as good as it gets
Sieze the moment, nd have no regret have no regret, give it to me