oh give i justice
give i justice
let the power fall on i
let the wicked burn in flames
let the power fall on i
Peace and love, let the wicked burn in flames Romeo, give i justice
Peace and love, oh give i justice, let the wicked burn in flames
Let the wicked burn in flames, let the power fall on i
let the power fall on i
Oh let the wicked burn in flames, let the wicked burn in flames
O zion oh let the power from zion fall on i, and let the power fall on i The, give i justice
oh let the power from zion fall on i
Oh let the wicked burn to ash, oh let the wicked burn in flames
peace and love
So let the power fall on i, o zion oh let the power from zion fall on i The, oh let the wicked burn in flames
O zion oh let the power from zion fall on i, let the wicked burn in flames Fall, peace and love
Oh let the power from zion fall on i, oh let the power from zion fall on i The, let the power fall on i
Let the wicked burn in flames, oh let the wicked burn to ash
Give i justice, let the wicked burn in flames, let the power fall on i
so let the power fall on i
let the power fall on i
let the power fall on i
So let the power fall on i, let the wicked burn in flames, let the power fall on i
O zion oh let the power from zion fall on i, so let the power fall on i The, how long will the wicked reign
o zion oh let the power from zion fall on i
Let the power fall on i, oh let the power from zion fall on i
Let the power fall on i, so let the power fall on i
Peace and love, let the wicked burn in flames
Let the power fall on i, how long will the wicked reign
Let the power fall on i, let the power fall on i, give i justice
Give i justice, peace and love
let the power fall on i
Let the power fall on i, let the power fall on i, so let the power fall on i
oh let the wicked burn to ash
let the power fall on i
peace and love
Let the power fall on i, let the power fall on i
so let the power fall on i
let the power fall on i
How long will the wicked reign, let the power fall on i Power, oh let the wicked burn in flames
let the power fall on i
so let the power fall on i
And let the power fall on i, let the power fall on i Power, give i justice
How long will the wicked reign, let the power fall on i The, so let the power fall on i
Let the wicked burn in flames, and let the power fall on i
Oh let the wicked burn to ash, oh let the wicked burn in flames
let the power fall on i
Let the power fall on i, let the power fall on i
Let the wicked burn in flames, let the power fall on i
Let the power fall on i, peace and love
peace and love