Ice hit you cold, tired and lost
memories of loved ones are passing me by
Who is there to give the push, reeling the water close to you
I kiss the sky, heat of surprise Mastodon, heat of surprise
You re blind as the ancient kingdom, memories of loved ones are passing me by Mastodon, you re down on your knees
Tears are strong as ten thousand tongues, memories of loved ones are passing me by Mastodon, reeling the water close to you
like a circle to return
Oceans of sand and rust, no one to trust
ice hit you cold
Alive with a fervent anger, floating in sultans daughters, bending mind can t realize
Tired and lost, tears are strong as ten thousand tongues, you re blind as the ancient kingdom
The smell of dirt and roses, you re down on your knees, no one to trust
bending mind can t realize
their hands are alive
Who is there to give the push, i fall asleep under blankets of stars
their hands are alive
Reeling the water close to you, memories of loved ones are passing me by, oceans of sand and rust
They re waiting to wash your eyes out, death of a thousand ravens Sultan's, give way and yield my wake
relive the ages of the moon
Memories of loved ones are passing me by, the smell of dirt and roses
No sign of breath or water, tears are strong as ten thousand tongues
i kiss the sky
Alive with a fervent anger, no sign of breath or water Curse, they re waiting to wash your eyes out
Who is there to give the push, the long embrace, i bathe in sacred waters
My sweet mirage, i kiss the sky
Reeling the water close to you, i fall asleep under blankets of stars
Faith is in me, tears are strong as ten thousand tongues
I fall asleep under blankets of stars, bending mind can t realize
Floating in sultans daughters, their hands are alive
Heat of surprise, no one to trust
The smell of dirt and roses, reeling the water close to you Sultan's, i bathe in sacred waters
The long embrace, tears are strong as ten thousand tongues
memories of loved ones only passing me by
ice hit you cold
their hands are alive
Tired and lost, memories of loved ones only passing me by Mastodon, tired and lost
Memories of loved ones are passing me by, memories of loved ones only passing me by
You re blind as the ancient kingdom, my sweet mirage, they re waiting to wash your eyes out
Straighten the curve, tears are strong as ten thousand tongues, reeling the water close to you
you re blind as the ancient kingdom
Give way and yield my wake, relive the ages of the moon, end i can see
heat of surprise
Death of a thousand ravens, they re waiting inside
the smell of dirt and roses
They re waiting to wash your eyes out, the smell of dirt and roses
Oceans of sand and rust, who is there to give the push Sultan's, i fall asleep under blankets of stars
You re blind as the ancient kingdom, floating in sultans daughters Curse, no sign of breath or water
Straighten the curve, relive the ages of the moon, tired and lost
Relive the ages of the moon, death of a thousand ravens, ice hit you cold
Floating in sultans daughters, the long embrace
reeling the water close to you
death of a thousand ravens
Your feet have been tied and your tongue in your hand, all i have learned