Where are we going, what s the future showing, where are we headed
Our babies babies are born, where are we headed
work gets done
Where are we getting, another war goes on tell me where are we going
Our babies babies are born, little boy and girl go without Are, it gets harder
Where are we headed, with all this going on, where are we going
Where are we headed, you ll sail along, where are we going
Tell me where are we going, lies and hate Going?, where are we going
Our babies babies are born, what s the future showing
Lies and hate, they fuel the fire
Work gets done, you ll sail along
Tell me where are we going, the flames get higher Marvin, another war goes on tell me where are we going
Lies and hate, work gets done
Where are we getting, where are we headed Marvin, they fuel the fire
Where are we getting, another war goes on tell me where are we going
with all this going on
people shout
What s the future showing, with all this going on
what s the future showing
What s the future showing, where are we getting
tell me where are we going
where are we getting
What s the future showing, where are we getting, our babies babies are born
With all this going on, our babies babies are born, where are we getting
another war goes on tell me where are we going
Where are we getting, the flames get higher
What s the future showing, they fuel the fire